Loki! Stony?

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What an exhausting night their had been a party between the avengers that evening including movies and.. undoubtedly Alcohol (Tony Stark duh!) Had suggested a drinking game with teams Steve had roped himself into it as he 'couldn't get drunk' Tony saw that as a challenge and joined forces 'Stony' as one team against everyone else of "STONY! STONY!" The avengers cheered around them so they downed all 50 shots in 2 minutes course the avengers knew of their relationship by now and Stony had won!
So that night it was no surprise that both Steve and Tony collapsed in to their bed overcome slightly just staring at each other...
Steve loved Tony- every aspect, especially his voice his smooth, silky voice which always had the right clap back to ridicule Yeah Steve loved Tony.
Tony loved Steve,every aspect, especially his eyes, god his eyes gorgeous ocean blue you would lose yourself in them he "lost himself every night when he looked Tony loved Steve.

Tony smirked thinking of the perfect nightly sendoff for his love
"goodnight ~mon capitan" Steve sighed he wasn't a fan of that particular nickname then a thought overcame him "goodnight tiny*cough* Tony"  a small giggle escaped Steve's lips Tony stifled his, But couldn't stop his lips pulling up at the edges  •god Steve's laugh was adorable• "Pardon?" Tony asked half annoyed half mock-annoyed  but their was no answer.

the next morning Tony awoke to an empty bed •huh Steve must have got up early oh well• Tony got up walking leisurely to the kitchen to start with his 1st cup of coffee for the day "good morning" a voice greeted him he couldn't see who thought as he rounded the corner he saw Loki with STEVE?! And oh god a gun to his head?? Tony gasped heavily he went to him but the gun dug further into Steve "don't come any closer or" Loki's hand moved and Steve's gun holding hand trigger finger presses "ok" Tony said defeatedly holding his hands up Loki's hand moved Steve's finger left the  trigger "why are you doing this" "because I want to see your world hang in the balance...stony" a strangled gasp and  "h.how" echoes in the silence but it doesn't come from Tony's mouth it comes from Steve's a harsh slap echoed then "it was hard,I admit Stark could always rebuild his tower, he had no parents to poison no close friend Who he truly cared about. That got me thinking you see it didn't seem right that the great Tony Stark! Would dedicate his life to loneliness I was wandering past your tower when I heard you having stupidly left one of your windows open all I heard was 'Stony! Stony!' It didn't take a genius to work it out so..here we are! I didn't let you speak you know then again" Loki sighed "always the fighting spirit with you~capsickle" he approached Steve smirking caressing his cheek, Steve grunted obviously fighting Loki's control But he still pushed the gun further into his temple "BACK OFF that's my nickname! Run out of them, Reindeer games?" "I have your ~Capitan, Stark! i hold your whole world! and you joke With the man holding it? I have the power to do anything to him yet you jibe and joke.. let's see how much you laugh when He's DEAD."
"but I will allow you a civil courtesy salute him Rogers" Loki laughed as Steve was forced to do so with his other hand saluting Tony Still, to the untrained eye not even shaking, to Tony's trembling, only he had ever been able to pick out Steve from Captain America,
Loki directed steve to meet his eyes gingerly placing two fingers under his chin,
Green met ocean Blue "the man out of time" Loki smirked "you are now"

Steve gasped

..he was..alive?
Tony darent look at Steve he couldn't see him..dead..
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Boomed commanding voices •too late• Tony thought it sounded like Bucky,Natasha and Clint he forced his eyes open to look at them.. SOLEY them! His eyes couldn't suppress tears as he shakily met theirs but everything was blurry before him he couldn'tsee for tears that opened like a sea and couldn't stop "Tony.. look" Steve voice said •god he was already hunting him• he closed his eyes shaking his head "no no no" he muttered "no no no no no" "TONY!" He felt someone shake him hard "Tony breathe! With me..in..our..in..out..your ok...I'm ok!" He was so scared he kept muttering "no no Steve no" over and over in a blind panic of shock and grief but the voice was relentless and oddly familiar so to make it go away he listened slowly he listened in..out..in..out "Yes that's it keep going come on tiny!" That nickname he could see clearer now he looked into the eyes of his comforter.. Ocean blue... "Steve?" He nodded "STEVE!" He yelled cuddling him close
"I thought I'd lost you.." "you'll never loose me I'm with you until the end of the line"
Steve offered a hand which Tony accepted
Standing together now Steve kissed him

"Cute" All eyes turned to Loki in handcuffs with a small grin he shapeshifted to Steve his posture upright,rigid "till the end of the line" he said as Steve who growled thor had enough "just shut up" he commanded while adding a mouth guard to him and pushing him forward Tony turned to Steve kissing him passionately "get a room guys!" Hawkeye shouted being shoved to the floor by Natasha who got a high five from Bucky "Thank you thank you" Tony repeated hugging them both hard "Stark your squeezing" they wheezed "sorry" Tony said sheepishly they all glared slack jaw shocked by this demeanour change "I just couldn't loose him you know!" "We get it stark" Nat said "neither could I punk" Bucky said hugging Steve "jerk" he said back
"What happened..about the gunshot?"
Bucky started "We heard slamming doors it seemed Loki forgot about our nightmares making us light sleepers we were all awake anyway we rushed to open our doors but Loki had locked them..when we did finally break the doors.."
"Your going off topic Tony"
"We rushed to see Steve salute you while Loki stood next to him we knew immediately that that was in NO WAY good" Clint piped up

"I rushed to restrain Loki, Clint shoved Steve away and Bucky grabbed the gun holding it up so t"
"..the bullet I heard was airborne" Tony finished interrupting
"Luckily Loki dropped his control on me after the salute I reckon it was his last torment to me when i was dead.. I'd realise I could have stopped him, or something..." Steve trailed looking vaguely scared
Tony spun Steve to meet him "it's ok ~mon capitan your ok I'm ok"
"I love you" "I love you too"

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