Avengers captured 3

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Zemo left the room leaving the avengers to sit by and listen to peters bloodcurdling screams unable to do anything about them
Zemo once more entered the avengers cell smirking at their visible distress many tears had been shed, faces pale already the avengers tried to hide this but failed.
^Want to retract or change your answers?^ zemo singsonged smiling
The avengers gritted their teeth saying nothing
Zemo once again reached for the door but Tony stopped him he opened his mouth to retract his answers but Steve interjected quickly before Tony could get a word out
"Tony don't say a word!"
Tony's heart broke his face clearly displaying his heartbreak,
"Cap...it's Peter...MY SON! I..I.cant..PLEASE Stop...please my weakness is my arc reactor my passwords are underoos4 for everything THATS the truth just please don't hurt peter! Please!"
^anything else stark^ Zemo smirked gesturing to the other avengers they Collectively sighed what were they thinking letting peter get hurt like this there was no pride or secrets left to keep they shared a look 'for peter' it said Natasha Bruce Bucky and Steve opened their mouths but the electricity audibly dialled down and shut off in the next room
^10 minutes up already! Sorry that's my cue got to go see your spiderling! your underoo right?^ Zemo smirked then he spun on his heels and walked out the door to the exclaims and the rattling chains of the distraught avengers

^soo peter...i hope you are unwilling to lie to me unless you like the fried and dead look?^ peters face was visibly pale his voice sore from screaming at this point in time quips and jokes were NOT appreciated zemo smirked ^ I'm sorry I thought you were never without a joke seems Ive been misinformed^ zemo prowled around peter like a lion hunting his Prey peter carefully lifted his head up "why joke when I'm looking at one" he smiled warily zemo got dangerously close in peters face peters response?  spitting, but his spit was blood, spitting in zemos face not a smart move at all.

Tony sighed •why does he always have to put up a fight• Steve answered his thoughts he seemed to have been reading his expressions like a book "because Spider-Man is peter and peter will always be Spider-Man he's defending YOU Tony! He's probably worried you'll hate him for spilling Anything! Don't be too hard on him tones he's suffering enough" Tony sighed
"Thank you mr good and righteous for your sterling psa pep talk which wasn't annoying in any way but..." Tony said sarcastically trailing off "i know.." the others murmured "that doesn't help peter"

After zemo had finished whipping and electrocuting peter at the same time! The first question was asked
^what are the most prominent of the avengers weaknesses^
Peter looked sheepish and mumbled incoherently zemo raised his hand ^ DONT MAKE ME HIT YOU SPIDER BABY^ Tony was livid he thrashed soo much and screamed so loud peter flinched seconds later a guard sedated Tony leaving him slumped in his chair the scream did nothing to reassure peter but infact scared him more "they don't have any!" Peter confidently lied this however angered zemo ^i told you not to lie rugrat! This is the price of your disobedience^ zemo hissed pressing a button next to him, peters body jerked uncontrollably with electricity coursing through his veins Steve screamed he swore for all he was worth surpriseing everyone but Bucky zemo snarled and the electricity stopped Peter  spoke up instantly

"D..ad..s arc r..re..actor,
aunt Tashas l..ef..t ankle..
Uncle Buckys ..hy..hydra ptsd
Uncle clints inner...ch..il.d
Uncle Bruce's...temper
uncle America's legs..."
Peter stuttered out downcast The after-shocks of the electricity leaving him with a stutter, with one hit he had broken his family's trust and to peters knowledge killed them! He broke down in sobs the avengers cried too not out of the 'betrayal' but peters misery they wanted to hug him badly they didn't care anymore about the questions or their enemies they only cared for peter and his state was their greatest weakness "ppplease..don..don't hurt them..I..I...need the.." zemo growled hitting his leg and punching peters stomach with all his might peter let out a soft and small whimper sending the avengers into overdrive they thrashed and kicked around at their chains thank thorandloki Tony was only just waking up or he would have died then and their

zemo shrugged like nothing had happened and continued
^what are the passwords to all of Mr starks files?^
Peter froze...he didn't know

One-shots avengers captured/torturedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora