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In this The winter soldiers identity is unknown the avengers are together no bad blood in fact Steve and Tony are close friends

We've tracked down the winter soldier
He just killed the Secretary General, an hour earlier we traced him to this alley at the end of Main Street
Yeah he stopped and looked in it beforehand
How have we got visuals?
There had been a few muggings there so they installed CCTV
Why did he stop?
We don't know

Steve smiled fondly at the image his eyes shimmering slightly that scenario reminded him of a conversation so long ago for many but not for him.It was after, when Bucky had swooped in to save the day again at the end of that very same alley.

Steve had asked
"How do you always know where to find me?"
And he recalled Bucky laughing punching his shoulder swinging his arm around him and saying "I always check an alley for you punk seems like you spend your life in them!" And they laughed so hard.

The next day Bucky was drafted, soon after he fell...

Steve ? Steve! STEVE!

Woah what"
Tony was shaking him "You alright Cap? you looked distant, hey and your crying"
Steve gingerly touched his cheek and yes it was wet he sighed melancholy "Before this"
he gestured to himself
"I'd always get beaten up in alleys like this, Bucky" he laughed "Bucky always saved me in the nick of time He said he checked every alley in case I was there! It brought back memories"

He chuckled a little but wheels were spinning in several heads
Hey Cap what happened to Bucky? "He he fell off a train we were on this mission and- I couldn't grab his hand in time I -"

Tony interrupted yeah yeah we know that we all went to history class  I mean did you recover a body"
Natasha opened her mouth to reprimand Tony for talking so brash but Steve interrupted "No, no they didn't Stark what are you saying!"

Steve was angry Tony looked a little hurt "going back to Stark are we-" Steve slouched "Tony I-" no no Tony waved him off it's fine, listen Steve, no body was recovered you say he'd been captured and found disorientated in a hydra scientists lab? And he used to check alleys for you?"

Steve nodded confused until he gasped stumbling backwards landing with a thud on his butt "no NO! BUCKYS DEAD HE CANT BE no No NO!" Tony cautiously approached him kneeling down "I'm sorry Steve I don't want it to be true but if he is Bucky then we can get him back! You could have your best friend again" Steve pushed him away standing up unaided

"Bucky-Bucky I .. I think I liked him?" There was a note of uncertainty when he spoke "But if that is him I ... he won't.. he won't be the same he won't know me I...it's a lot to process I need some time" and he walked off

One-shots avengers captured/torturedWhere stories live. Discover now