Hawkeyes biggest fear

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"Clint Barton scared of me! Huh? This will be too easy.." "NO NO GET AWAY STOP IT NO!" "Your next Barton" I jolted awake sweat dripping from my forehead breath heavy urgh I turned to my alarm clock 3:30 a.m. I sighed dammit another nightmare luckily I hadn't woken anyone up and to my knowledge no-one knows about them if they did... I'd be the laughing stock of the avengers Hawkeye the fearless avenger and assassin scared of Loki.. the rag doll for hulk, compared to Thanos he's nothing I've only told Natasha of my fear she's ok with it....but I'm not it's so stupid! I couldn't go through that again mindless orders
yes sir no sir NO SIR SIR.. please stop! I need to breathe

and with that I collapsed back onto my pillow


I woke up again startled I hadn't had another nightmare.. it was the tower alert quickly I rushed out of bed grabbing my bow by the door and running full speed into the common room
"Nice to see you again birdie boy"
where I
I froze!
He was just standing their in full armour staff and all my bow shook in my hands as my breath got heavier though I tried not to show it
"What do you want Loki!" Tony seethed
"Your defeat and the bird" he snarled staring at me "not going to happen loki!" Natasha shouted standing protectively next to me ready to stand infront of me if needs be
The avengers advanced
Loki moved back a step hands mockingly raised in the air
" you know.." he trailed "your not the only one to be mind controlled Barton" Loki smirked clicked his fingers and stopped advancing Spider-Man sprung from behind him webbing us all down in an instant before settling himself at Loki's side who proudly smiled patting him on the head 3 times like a dog
Spider-Man didn't react
"peter" Tony whispered "you should have heard him stark" loki spat "he was so friendly goes without saying obviously, but actually friendly even towards me! We tried a little experiment... Loki paused waving his sceptre in the air and pointing "sceptre meets heart!" Loki grinned evilly standing over Tony as Spider-Man stood next to him looking straight ahead "unfortunately his metabolism meant it took a while.......
Agony stark
and I watched as he writhed on the ground in pain screaming for you 'mr stark mr stark help me! HELP ME I don't please Tony..' on and on and on! He's no longer in pain now is he?" Loki smirked Tony had grit his teeth in anger seething with rage and regret he had promised to protect peter but peter was too forgiving for his own good loki smirked
"Let's see if peter will come out to play! He Jerked peters mask off And snapped his fingers we all gasped except Tony, Spider man peter was a kid! We had heard him and met him but never under the mask and if Loki knew his civilian
identity it was about to get worse...

Peter shook his head seeming to clear any confusion then he noticed the webbed avengers shocked looks he reached his hands up to his face his shock of not feeling a mask only doubled when he realised who he was standing next to.. WAIT WEBBED AVENGERS oh no..
"Scared young spider?" Loki smirked "GET AWAY FROM ME LOKESTER! peter shouted swinging to the other side of the room a quarter playful 3 quarters ..well...terrified
"I HATE THAT NICKNAME!" Loki seethed advancing madly "aw but you said you loved it lokester" Loki cackled clicked his fingers and peter froze still unmindcontrolled but unable to move Loki advanced toward the avengers whose eyes glued to the scene were now struggling helplessly on the ground loki stopped and knelt beside the Clint cocoon who was struggling to breathe Loki smirked locking eyes with him Clint closed his eyes tight not again he thought NOT AGAIN "Clint Barton scared of me! Huh? This will be too easy Loki once again smirked "your next Barton" Clint froze just like his dream!
Loki took measured steps towards peter his hand glowed green and now twirled a gun!
He flicked his wrists and peters hands reached for it "take it "
he did
"use it!"
He didn't
"I won't ask again peter! I'm doing them a favour you know " he gestured to the avengers
"You really think they care about you wouldn't they have told you how to keep my control out wouldn't you have a room here or a plague in the avengers museum?"
Tony breathed erratically he hadn't told peter yet but he did have his room at the compound and a case and plague in the museum he opens his mouth to say so but Loki noticed with full control of peters movements he jerked his hand and peters flew up inserting web across Tony's mouth before his hand dropped limply once again to his side
peter gasped hating himself .. you could see it in his eyes
"Oh Petey, so pathetic so disappointing am I right mr stark?" He mimicked tony staring him in the eye he couldn't talk back or shake his head which neither confirmed or denied Loki's claim but for peter that was enough
His head dropped
Loki lifted it up with one finger
"End it petey" he whispered in his ear chillingly
"Or." Loki raises his hand thereby peters forward in Tony's direction! "I will end him!" Fresh tears ran down peters face while angry ones ran down Tony's. "It's your choice really underoos" Loki continued Tony's hands balled into fists how the f*** did Loki know that name

Loki smiled "well actually it isn't"
The Avengers froze as Loki's hand went to his head and peters gun hand followed it
Right to peters head
Right to peters temple
"I could just kill you now then all of them" he pointed at the verging on tears avengers "no witnesses no worries Spider-Man dead suicide next to avengers "
For once peter was speechless
Loki turned to the squirming avengers "don't worry you'll be out of their soon" he said sweetly "after all one hand needs to be free when your committing suicide right?" And for the 1000th time Loki smirked. Laughing coldly at their angry facade and actually scared faces
unbeknownst to well.... EVERYONE Clint had a concealed pocket knife and while Loki was spieling his bad guy monologue Clint had slowly cut his cocoon open however he'd been scared to act hoping shield would arrive before he needed to
Loki spoke
"Ok I'm bored now say goodbye Spidey"
A choked sob "d.Dad.."
And THAT got Hawkeye to react not Clint Barton he sprung up faster than flash an arrow
Spun through the air and Loki was pinned to the wall arrow after arrow made its way to Loki's cape until Loki like the still cocooned avengers couldn't move the gun peter had clattered to the floor Loki stared shocked at Clint who calmly now walked up to Loki
"You will never control ME or ANYONE ELSE again!" Then Clint finally and triumphantly smacked him "that's for 2012 puny god" And with that Clint Barton left the room a changed man.

"Hey katniss we're still tied up here!"
"man of hawks?"

One-shots avengers captured/torturedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें