Avengers captured

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^=mysterious voice
•=character thinking

^What a pitiful sight,tied up on a wall in a dark room chains around the arms chains around the legs how pitiful, when you awake you will wish I had killed you^

Tony groggily opened his eyes "urgh" he groaned shaking slightly unknowingly nudging Clint who nudged Natasha who nudged, Bruce who nudged Steve who nudged Bucky who woke up then all hell broke loose "steeeeve" Bucky moaned "I was asleeeeep" "it wasn't me" Steve replied groggily "Bruce nudged me!" "I did NO such thing" Bruce said boldly he had gotten used to being tired and confused when he woke up "Natasha woke ME up" "HEY!" The quick witted assassin in question shot back " Clint poked  me while I was sleeping so I'm entirely blameless thank you very much!" Natasha finished courtly all eyes fell upon the archer,  "Clint something you forgot to tell us" Tony replied "hey don't try and blame ME YOU BUDGED ME!" Tony held his hands up,as best he could, in defeat "okay okay okay so I might have nudged you who nudged Natasha who nudged Bruce who nudged Steve who nudged Bucky who woke up!"

The Avengers looked to each other before saying  pretty much in unison nodding their heads
"yeah yeah that's probably how it happened I mean I don't really remember I mean I'm sure it probably yeah but yeah...mmm"
"Umm Guys?" Steve asked Being the most observant out of the group,noticing the restrained movements Tony's hands "where the hell are we" that's when everyone turned their heads
they didn't share a bedroom normally!
in fact it didn't feel like they were in their beds
Suddenly it dawned on them "I can't move my legs" Bruce whispered "I can't move my arms" Steve whispered back "neither can I" the group replied back squirming frantically "oh f" Bucky started but was abruptly cut off "LANGUAGE " Steve shouted "really now!" THe avengers yelled back
when they tried to move it was only then that they realised they were strung up like pigs chains wrapped around their arms and legs "does anyone remember anything?" Natasha asked "I remember being asleep" Bucky started "before SOMEONE! Woke me UP!" Bucky finished annoyed turning to death glare at Steve " Woah Woah Woah don't start that again"
Steve and Tony said in unison "if we were asleep" Natasha said "and now we are tied up that means" Tony interjected
"we've been taken" "and isn't that just great!" Clint added

"quiet.." Bucky yelled evidently still half asleep ^SHUT UP^ 
"we get it Bucky..." Clint replied sleepily yawning
•it must've been around 3 am when we were taken • Clint thought •don't villains ever sleep because I certainly do and I need it•
The avengers were still in a stupor from their sleep each one not entirely awake yet

a voice boomed laughing maniacally
that certainly woke them up
"Then again I repeat my question!" Clint stated but he was cut off by a clearly pissed off Natasha "WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!"
The reply sent shivers down their spine the voice icily cold

No-one could work out where the mysterious voice was coming from they were tied around 3walls in a darkened room with no idea what the time was or how they got their?, the only thing they collectively remembered was falling asleep in the tower ......together safe.......
" together safe..." those words seemed too familiar to him Tony's eyes widened in fear quickly darting around the room "oh no" Tony muttered "what" Steve asked the only one to pick up on Tony shock

"What?" Bruce screeched frantically searching the room also but Peter was nowhere to be found or seen •Maybe they left his room alone or didn't see it,or they thought Peter was just a runaway or a stowaway maybe he left followed us knows where we are, maybe• Tony's mind raced but it wasn't the only one running
All of The Avengers
mouths were wide open,
their brow creased in thought
thinking of every single different situation that involved Peter not being stuck in this hellhole with them!  "come on Tony" Bruce whispered "there's no way they could tell he was Spider-Man" tony shook his head in dismay "have you seen his room! It's practically screaming 'I'm Spider-Man' Clint sadly said Tony once again shook his head "I'm the one who had it decorated" "are you sure he was at the tow.." Steve asked "yes aunt May went to the Caribbean for a week Remember!"

^ hello avenges how lovely to see you all I hope it's not too late to talk is it I mean your door was open...^ as it broke off in to laughter Natasha's gaze however was glued to the corner of the room there was a camera and speaker she had found the origin of the mysterious voice everyone followed her gaze realising the same thing too they had heard every word they had said
if they didn't have Peter they certainly would now

One-shots avengers captured/torturedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon