Captain America was Dead.

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(Set in avengers one what If Loki had won)

Tony POV

Captain America was dead
Dead. Dead. Dead
Passed away
Gone Gone GONE!
Because Loki won
Steve Rogers was dead
...and it was all his fault.

"no Loki no please Loki! Please Sir! no MASTER!!!! Noooo!" Tony screamed as Roger's head rolled off his body The world trembled through their televisions while the executioner standing over the dead symbol of all that was good and pure smirked his signature smirk The genius stood tear-stained and shocked he had the urge to fall to his knees and weep but he couldn't not with the alien force holding him bound, captive.

FLASHBACK The battle was over. When the Avengers went to confront Loki they thought they'd won. He was on the floor not yet recovered from his 'Hulk bashing' Unfortunately the chitari had held back on their numbers. The tower had been left wide open while the streets battle raged. Hundreds had snuck in. When the avengers thought they had cornered Loki. The chitari were cornering them. When Loki's telltale smirk had appeared on his face it was too late they had been engulfed, ambushed, separated.

Tony awoke standing without armour in the same room he had succumbed to sleep in. "Welcome back Stark" Lokis voice lingered around him where? "I hope you do not mind me helping myself to your mini-bar but I needed that drink" Tony looked to his mini-bar, twisting his head was agony, and there was Loki looking significantly better than before. Horns Cape, Crown? "Ah yes, the crown" Loki sauntered over smirking "While you had nap-nap" Tony growled,  "I was becoming King not too many people interfered..... well not the living ones anyway."

As those words sunk in Tony found his voice "You mean you MURDERED them you MONSTER!" Tony marched forwards and no.

He wasn't...

Tony wasn't moving.  Wasn't moving?

Tony frowned Loki smirked. "Yes, you see you are not the only ones with tech stark. I have for you a little containment bubble a little enchantment." Tony began hammering on the force around him feeling every inch for a door or code out of place. It was unlike anything he had seen before. "You're not going anywhere Stark so don't try. You still have your uses."

Tony scoffed leaning- as best he could- in his bubble crossing his arms trying to give off what he called nonchalance "I have been told I'm useful before reindeer games so what'd you need, from what I can tell its fashion advice" Loki shook his head fondly "Oh? tell me more" Tony scratched his chin looking at Lokis cape "Yeah no capes are sooo 4000 years ago hey I have an idea you give me the glowing stick of destiny and ill revamp your wardrobe deal" tony put his hand out Loki put the front end of the sceptre through the bubble the second tonys hand touched it burned him. "OWW" tony screeched falling to his knees "ow ow OW phuf phuf phuf"Tony got back to his feet the blowing didn't ease the pain a jot "ow Rudolph you could have warned me!" it was a teasing tone even the pain was said halfheartedly Loki banged his now-retracted staff "ENOUGH OF THE GAMES!" his eyes stalked Tonys now "you have one chance you mewling quim..kneel address me as 'King' and you shall have a place in the new world" Tony laughed "You mean you won't kill me ha yeh no sorry I'd rather die" Loki staggered back "die, die? who said anything of death"


"Yours anyway" Loki reached into his pocket(Yes he had one) and pulled out a remote locking eyes with a very bemused Iron man. Tonys eyes lit up in recognition their towers tv remote HA what would Loki do with that it needed Friday to even-
"FRIDAY Be a dear and show me the tv would you love"

"Yes master"

Tonys eyes popped his mouth dropped WHAT Loki laughed "urgh stark" he chortled wiping happy tears from his eyes "you really thought Friday was unhackable ha! you don't know a thing about magic or me do you?" Tony growled more As promised the tv appeared "put the rugby on will you I've got a bet on" Tony slipped back into his 'nonchalance pose' 

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