Peter meets the avengers Part 2

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So peter becomes Tony's personal intern The avengers know him as Tony's personal intern sweet polite peter

"Hey peter? Could you get me a glass of water please?" I stopped working on his suit put the screw driver down stood up then paused water "Water?" I said out loud Mr stark turned to me "Yes water you know blue liq- " "oh I I know what water is Mr stark sir but I thought I mean you prefer coffee normally sir I " I stuttered and lowered my eyes to the floor great I'm so fired I was expecting an angry rant filled shout but instead I felt two fingers grab my chin lightly and my eyes locked on Mr Stark crouching down close to me "Hey hey don't worry about it Pepper wants me to stop drinking too much of it"
"she's she's probably right sir, I'm really sorry for double guessing you I'm sorry " I mumbled Mr Stark looked deep into my eyes shaking his head
"it's no problem pete it's not a crime to know me" he laughed and I laughed as well "so I'm not fired?" "Fired! Of course not peter you were just looking out for me!" He smiled I smiled back I went to go back to my chair but he coughed awkwardly "the water" "oh right! I'm on it sir" I said jumping up Mr stark followed suit "It's Tony kid!" He called out after me "sure thing Mr Stark"
I heard him chuckle and up I went in the lift to the penthouse floor to get mr stark his water
the avengers hardly noticed me as I walked out the lift. They were all crowded round the tv shouting at it "HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT HES TALKING ABOUT!" "JJ JONAHS AN IDIOT!" oh god they're watching him I stopped my walk their shouting was not helping my senses I took a deep breath and kept going but then Jonah said :And That's Why That SpiderMENACE SHOULD BE IN PRISON: oh god oh no I saw the avengers faces contort into anger and I braced myself 3...2...1
The avengers exploded loudly
I felt it coming the worst sensory overload I'd ever experience then I heard Mr Stark behind me "Hey kid what's taking so" I didn't hear the rest the overload over took me
and I fell
then avengers stopped their rants simultaneously looking to me
The yelling didn't help and I crouched down head hitting the floor hands over my ears
"Peter tell me what's wrong!" Tony said gently beside me It was comforting but hurt like hell I withdrew into myself more
"too loud" I muttered
I heard Tony step back and gasp
I heard the avengers gasp
and I realised my position the only other time they saw me like this
I tried to get up but it hurt too much I squeezed myself further and further into a ball
"Hey" Mr stark whispered crouching down "what's going on?"
"Sesor ovload" i slurred funnily enough stark  understood and whispering said "Friday activate quiet panic protocol" "yes sir" The building dimmed its lights, all of a sudden shutters came over the windows and I started to feel a little better "what's going on?" Hawkeye said loudly well maybe he was talking normally it was too loud for me
Mr Stark  shushed him "his senses are sensitive remember" he whispered harshly everyone immediately went quiet "sorry" after about five minutes I slowly peeled my hands from my ears The Avengers was still there a little distance off but still there watching over me I uncurled and after testing myself stood up "sorry" I mumbled "hey son it wasn't your fault" "sorry Spider-Parker" Clint chuckled I gave him the look and smiled at the others "soo?" And then I had an idea I put on my Spider-Man persona and walked confidently up to Clint spreading the huddled avengers
"hey Katniss"
He smiled "Thats MR bow and arrow to you!" I laughed Steve approached him next peter made sure he was the first to salute this time Steve copied doing it wrong I gave peter a goofy grin "is this right?" Peter laughed shaking his head "okay okay I've got it" again i did it wrong "I will work this out" and then finally I got it right Peter gave him the 'you knew that all this time didn't you' smirk and their smiles were off the charts then Steve started to language salute:
"shit fuck"
Peter stared at him open mouthed
"what I swear, you know" he said in salute language making peter gasp "MR AMERICA I am shocked!!" Bucky joined the duo and in salute language said "I wouldn't be he did it every day with me" Steve blushed as peter laughed harder "I didn't know you understood it buck" he mumbled Bucky just reached his metal arm out for a high five which peter gladly accepted "Hey Spider-Man nice to meet you properly" "Definitely this time"
"hey Mama-Spider
Nat opened her mouth closed it and ruffled his hair "hi baby spider!" He smirked and shook from her ruffling glad she hadn't started her assault of information again

"Mr Stark!" I bowed
"Mr kid" he bowed back
"huh" I squinted at him
"mr spider-kid" 

" Mr Tony how come you had a protocol perfect for me  in place already?"
" panic attacks aren't an  easy thing to deal with kid" 
"Oh" and I walked away waiting
"WAIT MR TONY?!!!? Peter!"

Hey everyone I'm doing well 2 updates in one day phew new record In the comments below could you tell me your favourite one shot of mine so far in the comments below could you tell me your favourite one shot of mine so far and why you'll see why

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