Purple Man returns

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Purple man referred to as him he or P man

Tony was in his lab working hard on trying to locate Peter I mean Purple man must have left a trail somewhere right? If only he knew where that b****** was! He thought then suddenly the room around him turned a certain shade of you guessed it "purple?" In a flash of purple smoke he appeared smirking right in front of the shocked man Tony froze "Master! What are you doing here?" He grinned where's peter!" "I got bored of him" he replied nonchalantly Tony's eyes burned "YOU MASTER MASTER MASTER!...wait what?" He yelled aloud he was trying to say no he had said you evil monstrous villain hadn't he? This was extremely confusing why couldn't he curse him out why couldn't he say his name without Master coming out of his mouth what was going on?

"Oh Tony if you wanted to be my slave you could have just said....Kneel" Tony's legs suddenly felt very heavy he wobbled like jelly and crashed into the floor he glared up at P man VERY VERY ANGRY "WHERES PETER" "head down" and unwillingly Tony broke the glare on him and obeyed P man smiled he yanked Tony's head up and whispered into his ear "~say my name slave~"
Purple Man Tony thought he said coldly "Master" he said seething P man dropped his head "that's my good boy Mechanic Tony growled ferral like "I am NOT your slave! "FRIDAY avengers Masters here what no" P man smirked at Tony's anger he was pouting annoyed but it was Very very cute "no masters here no master NO MASTER" he kept Trying and trying but he just couldn't say Purple man aloud!!

"TONY it's ok We know who you mean we're on our way" it was Steve who replied back through FRIDAY hallelujah he was saved P Man Cooly whispered into his ear "you've brought me an army slave ~thank you" oh god what had he done the avengers in full gear barged into the lab they gasped a little at the submissive position they found Tony in while P man stood a little way behind him "Stop" he commanded the avengers smirked they had the disks in their necks they were immune fine safe..wait OH NO! Peter had They oops

they stiffened at his command immediately fighting grunting with gusto "now no more of that" he waved vaguely at their gear "Drop it" a flutter of arrows swords knives and a heavy thump of a shield clattered to the ground "good very good" he cooed "Captain America" he called like a ringmaster does in a circus Steve's head snapped unwillingly to him "approach me Kneel!" Steve grunted as one unwilling foot stepped in-front of another unwilling foot until he was standing next to Tony he tensed as he felt himself sinking ahh why couldn't he stop himself he could however raise his head and stare defiantly at him "head down" or not.

"Name..FULL name" "Steven..Grant..Rogers" he replied his voice sounding as if he was in agony which he was trying to resist the control purple man smiled with glee until he looked to Tony he was lower then Steve which was expected until "STEVEN ROGERS KNEEL!" steve realised then why he was still in pain he wasn't kneeling he wasn't kneeling he was hovering slightly above the ground and outwardly Steve smiled a little before waves of overwhelming pain came crashing down onto him he shouted out in pain before biting down on his gums to stop more of the accused sound leaking out of him

"hmm lemme think how to? Ooh Steve say... Hail Hydra" Steve and everyone's else's eyes in the room widened "You work for HYDRA" Clint yelled shocked "QUIET!" Clint was, unable to speak. "No, I just want to hear him say it" he stared down at Steve's form "Say it!" "It" Steve said quickly P man smacked himself the avengers sniggering at him Tony was laughing the loudest
The laughter stopped "I'm sorry this happens STEVE SAY HAIL HYDRA!" "Hai-haillll-Hy-Hy-" the words were not coming out of his mouth he refused NO WAY was he Captain America Steve Rogers saying THAT!

Purple Man was quickly becoming infuriated "DON'T YOU EVER GIVE UP" "No..." Steve gritted out Purple man smiled if he got this right then he had cracked the secret to Captain America "Steven Grant Rogers I command you to GIVE UP" Tony gasped, muffled "NO's" escaped The helpless avengers watching.

'give up' those words came at a commanding existential blow to Steve and immediately Steve's eyes glazed over he fell completely onto his kneels and "Hail Hydra Hail Hydra" spilled out of his mouth and he wasn't stopping he wasn't stopping "oops it seems I never told him to stop" Steve was repeating and repeating he hated this but he couldn't fight it anymore the blissful peace he felt saying those words- no nor from those words but giving in- he reminded himself, giving in it was far better then the agonising pain seconds before hand "Stop" he finally proclaimed Steve breathed out that wasn't painful but it hurt him inside by praising hydra he was praising the people who had tortured Bucky and That THAT hurt.

P man laughed quickly turning maniacal he had cracked the secret to Captain America.
He stared at his shocked prisoners because that is what they were "hmm How do I contract hydra?" He asked Natasha she remained silent "what? I wonder how much they'll pay me for all the avengers?" Again they were met with silence death stares from Bruce Clint and Nat and 2 growls from Tony and Steve  "I demand you answer me..in fact YOU WILL ALL ANSWER TRUTHFULLY EVERY QUESTION I ASK!" He cleared his throat Now how do I contract HYDRA?"

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