Peter parker : hydra's freak

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Tony's pov
It had been a quiet day, no mission no life threatening emergency's to deal with just relaxing at the compound I was in my lab with Bruce Steve and Bucky were watching the tv (static being too embarrassed to say they don't know how to turn it on) Natasha surprisingly was sitting on one of the sofas reading when she would normally be training for hours vision and Wanda were in the kitchen cooking.
"Tony please can we take a break your practically half asleep"
"No bruce..." I needed to get this breakthrough peter had been begging for electrified webs for months and I wasn't about to let him
"What's the time?"
"3:00 why?"
I raced out the lab "peter will be home soon" I shouted back to A confused Bruce
I'd been in my lab with Bruce for hours and couldn't wait to see peter
It seems I was just on time as the second I entered the living room I heard the elevator ding and peter emerged he seemed off? He was smiling but not with his eyes "hey pete" he looked up at me "hey mr stark" he still wore that smile that didn't reach his eyes "bad day?" I asked he nodded and scurried to his room I'll leave him alone I thought to myself he's a teenager after all he'll tell me when he's ready and I'll asked him later anyway then there was a crash as the window broke their stood a guy... in hydra uniform!

Peter pov
I rushed past mr stark I had seen 'him' again but how could I tell mr stark he didn't even know my association with hydra or the truth about my powers! I tell everyone I got it from the spider bite and that was true but the place wasn't i've got my powers from Hydra when I was about 9 and escaped I hadn't heard from them since...until 2 weeks ago when I saw him..
my 'handler' wearing a shirt and a jacket almost zipped to the top
'He' never confronted me just stared I could see the hydra emblem peeking out from 'his' jacket I had sped up and got home but I saw 'him' again the next day on my way from school 'he' again just stared didn't confront me and I again sped up and got to school it had  been like this every day until today... 'he' confronted me tapped me on the back book! I couldn't stop my eyes from widening and a slight gasp escaping 'he' smirked knelt down and whispered in my ear "see you later qespider208" and I ran thinking 'he' would tackle me at any moment but 'he' didn't just disappeared but 'his' words rung in my head "see you later" then I head a crash oh no!

I rushed out of my room ,a stupid decision really, to come face to face with 'him' and my family in fighting poses but not in full gear cap had his shield and dad had his suit but everyone else's was practically defenceless
Everyone's gaze turned to me a look of horror plastered on my family's a sly smirk on 'his'
"Nice to see you again Spider"
without thinking I bowed my head before 'him' making the avengers shock double as well as my own and 'his' smirk turn into a smile
"Glad you remember your place qeSpider208"
Well that shook me out of that self and my eyes locked into his my defiance returning their was no way I was becoming that again! Not now
"His name is peter who are you!" My da.. I mean mr stark shouted "so you didn't tell maybe I should change that" 'he' smirked reaching through his jacket to hold thar book! I hoped I'd imagined it Oh no my eyes widened again when I saw my 'name' engraved on the front this was real I froze as 'he' walked towards me
"PETER!" Tony screamed rushing towards me before cap could say avengers assemble he charged with everyone else as they ran forward 'he' stopped his advance and similarly to star..Tony's arm repulser 'he' raised his arm and shot at them some sort of emp? Knocking them down instantly they clutched their ears seemily disorientated "that's better" 'he' said again approaching me "we wouldn't want any unneeded distractions don't you think " 'he' placed a hand on my shoulder I held back my flinch the word 'punishment' echoed through my mind 'he' whispered in my ear "Dark" the first word of that awful sequence my eyes became heavy "already!" I thought quite annoyed yet while I could think that awful sequence filled my head which subsequently started spinning
"no.." my voice came out barely a whisper
"No" I'm peter! I..
"Please.. who pete.. I.

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