Quick, based on a blooper sebs 'sorry'

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The atmosphere was tense as his shield issued 'therapist' circled him with that book
(Longing) страстное желание
Bang as Bucky pounded on the door
(Rusted) ржавый
Bang as a crack appeared
(Seventeen) семнадцать
Bang- the door fell
"Sorry" Bucky said demurely
Zemo stopped head cocked to one side "excuse me?"
"Well" Bucky said as he bent to pick up the door " I knew you were on a role there and the containment was meant to last until it was 'too late'" he finger quoted
"and I just messed up again you know? so let's take it from the top and try that again." The door was back in place. "Ok so evil guy wants to turn me, all hopes lost, yada yada yada" he composed himself anger and fear showing "ok I'm ready hit it"

Zemo faceplanted
Ross faceplanted
Natasha faceplanted
Sam faceplanted
Tony pinged the bridge of his nose and faceplanted
And Steve? ran in punched the living daylights out of Zemo..... and also faceplanted whining "Bucky..."

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