Peter brightens Bucky

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Bucky was feeling low. He was point blank refusing to come out of his room. Sitting up on his bed staring at the ceiling. Steve had been in and out all day but to no avail.

And Here was his punk again, in his room, again. Trying to make him leave his room again. "Bucky please!! Please you need to interact with people."
"No Steve I am a monster! A being of darkness and I will be-ing staying here Forever"
Steve sighed in annoyance. "FINE! Then you leave me no choice" he angry strides out with purpose! Bucky rolled his eyes. Seconds later Steve pushed peter in vertically like pushing a heavy statue into the room and left him there. abruptly closing the door.

Peter stood there, still, like a statue just blinking. Bucky sat there also just blinking. "Are you Sergeant James Bucky Barnes?" Bucky nodded and oh peters. eyes. exploded. with. LIGHT

"OMG no way your like my favourite howling commando I can't believe I'm standing in front of the Bucky Barnes. I admire you so much the way you stormed out that prisoner camp like an actual beast! Oh and that sniper shot they were like "I'm going to kill Captain America" and you were like "not my Stevie!" And just BAM dead. I had your teddy bear growing up I think I still have it somewhere? Did you buy yourself one did you call it mini me cause- What was it like when you had to save Cap every day? Did you really kick a guy in the ass because of him? Woah Your arm is so cool. Is that real metal? OMG you just got so much cooler. You know joining the war was so dangerous but you did it anyway like head on let's go shoot some baddies KAPOW and the whole Brooklyn togetherness was AWESOME "James Barnes of the 107th" that's such a cool title and like your just so badass you just walk in like BLAM BAM WOOSH all done! Your so brave I wrote an essay on you I have it somewhere, do you want to see it!!"

And Buckys just there in awe smiling his ass of  like "yes?" And peter lights up even more,
if that's possible, looking like the sun. Just nodding frantically smile wide tripping over himself to go and get it.

Moments later Steve appeared casually leaning on the doorway
"Hey buck there's something on your face" Bucky frowns touching his face before his fingertips brush agains this lips. He's smiling. For the first time in 70 years James Buchanan Barnes is smiling. And it's all down to one Peter Parker.

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