Chapter 24: Training... and Vegeta has a sister!?(Old)

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A/N Hey guys! I'm sorry about me not uploading weekly, I just haven't found the inspiration to write this recently and theirs a feud going on in one of my four friend groups. I'm sorry, I hope that y'all like this chapter!

It's been one year since I left that night, and ever since I've been constantly training to improve myself. I've been working on perfecting my movement, my accuracy with ki blasts, my energy consumption... everything that I had learned over the years I spent hours perfecting to the utmost I could at the moment. Right now I sit in front of a hut I made for myself. It sits at the peak of a large mountain, and gives me a vast view of the various forests and plains below it. The view is absolutely amazing and I swear to Kami that if this had been in any other world, this land would have cost a fortune...

Taking a deep breath and I relax myself, letting the cool air and calming noises of nature sweep me away into a meditative trance. I meditate for a bit, clearing my mind of absolutely everything. I let the clutter of stresses and worries I had built up wash away before opening my eyes, ready to face the world.
"Hm. What should I do now?"
I think aloud. I jump up from my position and begin to pace in front of my hut,
"I could work my martial arts skills.... I could try and make a new attack... mumble mumble... there's so much I could do and so little time..."
I pace back and forth, pondering on what to do, honestly there's a lot I want to do. But I just can't figure what I want to start with...

Suddenly I feel a strong power level enter the space just above Earth.
"What!? Why is there a power level this high coming to visit Earth this early!?"
With the velocity that they're coming towards Earth at, they're bound to arrive within the hour. Although it will be almost impossible for me track their exact landing location until whoever's coming is in the atmosphere. Leaping out of my meditative pose, I flip forward and begin to warm up, stretching and air boxing a bit, because if there's one thing that I know in dragonball, it's that most people from outer space aren't friendly.

<1 Hour Later. POV ???>

"Where the hell is that bastard..."
Scanning her surroundings the mysterious saiyan woman put a hand up to her scouter and began to take stock of the planets power levels.
"...ones, twos, a couple of fifties... some above 200... unexpected... one at... 500!? That has to be him."
Flaring her ki the saiyan blasts into the sky and heads towards Nasu... believing him to be her target, Kakarot.

<10 Minutes later. Nasu's POV>

That power I sensed before.... it's heading right for me, like I expected... and in some level anticipated. It's been a while since I fought someone remotely near my power level, and my blood is BOILING. Looking at the sky directly in the direction of where the power source was coming from, in the distance I see the flare of a Ki aura, waving in the wind. The mysterious woman then lands in front of me. Her tail wrapped around her waist like a belt. She was in a blue body suit, and has armor similar to Vegeta's from the saiyan saga. Although it seemed to be slightly modified to fit her frame better.

"So, who are you?"
She just gives me a smirk and looks down on me,
"Don't you know your own princess you low class? Hmph! No matter, I shall allow you this once to memorize my name!"
Well, she's arrogant isn't she, and wait princess?
"My name is Saino, and I am the princess of the saiyans!"
Wow. Vegeta the third has such great naming sense. This is totally not sarcasm. She definitely doesn't seem to be Vegeta... which is good, a gender-bent Vegeta would be weird... Wait why is she looking at me like that?
"Why are you not amazed!?"
"I dunno maybe because that whole speech was kind of childish?"
Saino is taken aback and gapes at my words, before huddling into a ball and drawing circles in the sand.
"Tch... I get sent all the way here and I don't get taken seriously even by a low class..."
Oi oi oi... what's this sudden stupor of depression about. The Saiyan princess suddenly snaps our her depression, and snaps a kick towards my head, which I block with my left forearm.
"Oi! That was dangerous ya know!?"
She growls at me and kicks again with her other foot.
"That's the POINT!"
Ducking under her follow up kick, I grab her leg and fling her into the sky, before hammering her down into the earth.
"How are you beating me!? You're power level is only 500!"
I scoff. Did she really believe that the power reading her scouter had given her was my true power. Clenching my fists I bring my BP up to it's maximum, and intense Ki aura flaring around me as I do.
"Scan me again. Tell me what my power level is now."
Her hands press the button on the side of her scouter, and it beeps for a bit before finally giving one last beep.
"F-F-fourty five th-THOUSAND!?"
I smirk at her satisfied with her surprise.
"You're on par with me and my brother! And you're just a filthy low class!"
My eyebrow twitches, and I sock her in the face, blowing her back with the force of my punch.
"Never. Call me a low class."
She seems to shiver at my voice tone.
She lays there on the ground a bit before getting up and facing me.
"Well too bad low class"
She spits the word out like it's a curse. Oh wait, it sort of is.
"I, princess of all saiyans, am bringing you to my brother."
She get's into a fighting stance.
"Hmph. You really think I'll go with you?"
She just smirks,
"No, but I'm going to make you come with me."
With that last sentence said we both rocket towards each other. I get the first hit in, punching square in the jaw and sending her back. When she get's back on her feet she's completely disoriented, leaving her complete open for a combo. I aim mostly for Saino's torso, wanting to get in as many hits as possible before she got of this. A bright light then begins to surround Saino, and I jump back, before a large explosion occurs.
"D-Did... I get him?"
Saino then looks up at me,
Blasting forward, I stop just an inch away from her face,
"There's no way such a petty and weak attack like that would have gotten me."
She snarls in rage, angry at what she thinks is me mocking her. Lashing out she, kicks me in the gut and then moves behind me with a flicker, before punching me between my shoulder blades.
"That's the strength I was expecting from our princess!"
I smirk at her, the battlelust of the saiyans slowly beginning to flow through my veins

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