Chapter 9: Perfecting the Great Ape.

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A/N Hey guys! I'm back! I know some of you might hate me for putting in a compressed version of the Great Ape transformation in this fanfic, but I think that the concept is generally viable, and not only that I think it is really cool! Anyways, on to the story!

It has been a couple of weeks since I first transformed into a Great Ape. In that time I have been able to get used to the pain involved with the transformation. While there was still a chance I could lose control, evident due to a now barren field of land in the middle of a lush forest, That chance was extremely small.

While I now had greater control over myself during this transformation it was far from perfect. The transformation itself could use work be improved. Maybe I could compress it, like how Goku compressed the Golden Great Ape to make SSJ4...

Today I plan to take it rather easy rest a bit and check out my power level since I haven't done that for over a year now I guess... I take my scouter from the table, and yes I have a table, point it at myself, and then press the button on the side.
* Beep Beep Beep Beep*
When the scouter finished measuring my power it let out a loud series of beeps indicating that it was done. I pick up the scouter and check the power level...

I'm... I-I'm... MY POWER LEVEL... IT'S... I-IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!? I had to make the reference I'm sorry... I now have a power level of 12,750... meaning in my Great Ape form I have a power level of over 127K... YAHOO! This is amazing I was gonna wait until I was stronger until trying to compress the Great Ape transformation but... I'm more powerful than Full Power Nappa!

I was originally going to wait until I had a power level of 10,000 or more but *ahem* it seems I have already reached my goal... well. Let's finish breakfast.

<2 Hours later>

It's time I am a moderate distance away from my house, by that I mean I am a mountain range or two away. If I am going to try this... I am going to have to be careful not lose control of myself due to pain. This is going to be twice as painful... just because I am going to being growing larger and then shrinking... Well let's start shall we?

I close my eyes and recreate the feeling of the moons shining down upon me. The image of the three moons still vivid within my memories. I feel my self begin to grow larger as the Oozaru transformation begins. I feel hair start growing all over my body, my battle armor growing to accommodate my large furry monkey body.

Then all of a sudden I stop growing... the transformation has finished. I open my eyes and look down. I am now a large brownish black furred Ape. I have large building sized arms and am the size of a skyscraper. This feeling is wonderful, even though undergoing the transformation is quite painful. I then remember what I am trying to do, close my eyes once more, begin visualizing myself shrinking but still being covered in fur as do so I begin to feel my self shrink and while painful it seems I have done it! I open my eyes and look down...

When I look down I see that I am not covered in fur and my chest piece is not missing... This may take more time than I though it wood...

<2 days later>

God FUCKING DAMNIT! I still haven't been able to get this down even after 2 days of non-stop practicing. What am I doing wrong? Is it the way I am visualizing my self? Maybe I need to change the way I am thinking...

At least I have fully mastered this version of the Oozaru. While many may ask what is the difference between mastery and perfection for transformations, I know it. Mastery is having complete control over your transformation. While perfection is being able to use the maximum potential of a technique or transformation.

This is why I am trying to compress the Oozaru... to use its capabilities to its fullest. This is why the moniker Mastered Super Saiyan Blue is wrong. Because while Goku can use the transformation to its fullest potential he doesn't have complete control over it. This causes the huge stamina drain and mental strain that happens as a side effect to keeping the transformation going.

*sigh* Let's try this again. I once again transform into the Oozaru, close my eyes, and begin visualizing. But this time I imagine the Oozaru collapsing in on it's self, and the turning into a humanoid being similar in figure to SSJ4 Goku. When I open my eye I feel more powerful that I was before. I bring my arms up to my face and look at them... they still have the brownish black fur covering them. I look down and see my bare chest which has no fur on it... and also has no sign of where my chest piece went either.

YEEEEESSSSSS! I finally did it, I am a Compressed Oozaru. Essentially a more Primal version of the Ikari form Broly show cased in the DBS Broly movie... AH HAH! That is what I shall name this form, Primal Saiyan! Though it is strange that i feel more powerful in this form than in the Oozaru form... seeing as they are both the same thing just one is way, way smaller than the other... Ah. The speed difference is what is making me more powerful... though I won't actually know until I get a scouter than can go above 50K ehehehe!

But now that I have this Primal form... can I stack the Dragon King's Blitz on top of it? Let's try now. "Huuuuuuuuuuuu" I take a deep breath "DRAGON KING'S BLITZ" suddenly a powerful crimson aura appears around me as the DKB activates. If this form truly does have the same power Multiplier as the Oozaru then I have a power level of over one million right now! This feels amazing! HAHAHAHAHA! Wait! Now isn't the time to get power drunk... let's test this power out, shall we?

<20 minutes of Moutain range Destroying later.>

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah that rush was amazing. I have to remember not lose my self to that power next time though... well let's detransform..." I revert to my normal state and then start the trek home... what should I have for dinner tonight? I look up at the stars and see a particular one that seemed to be moving... but I paid it no attention... it wouldn't come to bite me in the ass... right?

A/N and that's a wrap. Hope you guys had fun. I did. Jaaaa Neeee!

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