Chapter 2: Traing with Father(Bardock) and meeting Raditz!

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A/N Ready to see a saiyan act like an actual parent? Me neither.
Nasu POV
When the sounds of chatter had stopped coming from the living room, I knew mom and dad had finished talking. That was a good thinking, cause I was dying for some actual sleep. As Gine and Bardock came back from the living room, Gine gave me a warm smile and picked me up in a loving embrace. Ack, it's too sweet! Shuddering a bit, I slowly settle into the hug, I might as well accept them, I like hugs anyways.

Bringing me through the rather sparse stone walls of our home, I gaze at the various skulls or pelts that Bardock had kept as trophies, some of them were seriously cool! Approaching a room with a small red door, Bardock pushed the door open, showing me and Gine into the room. It was somewhat cramped, but I loved it none the less. It was heart warming to see them having anticipated my arrival, having made a room an all.
"Welcome to your room my little Nasu!
What do you think?"
Leaping out of my... mother's... arms, I landed on the floor a bit shakily, but I begin to look around nonetheless. On the floor was cloth made of animal fur, most likely fur that Bardock had gotten in his conquests.

A wooden bed fashioned with a ceiling and an animal pelt blanket sat to the side of the room. Along with it was... some kind of exercise set? Oh hoh hoh... I know what I'm going to do with this... my power growth so far seems so far to have strengthened my body, but I don't feel as strong as I should be... that's most likely because all I've been doing is training the ki aspect of myself. With this "gym" and my own room, I'll be able to train my physical body as well! But... it probably be able to catch up to my ki anytime soon. The reason being is I'm too young to really handle any training that's too harsh.

"Thanks dad! Thanks mom! I love it!"
I say in the cutest voice I could muster, jumping up and down in excitement and clambering onto my bed after running over to it and flashing them another smile. Gine's heart seemed to melt at watching me act like this, and Bardock even cracked a smile through his macho act.

"Alright then Nasu! Get to bed now! You have a big day tomorrow!"
Gine says as she Bardock leave the room silently, closing the heavy wooden door behind them. As they leave, I give a smirk, jump off the bed... hehehehe... time to train! Now something fairly light... I think, something around 6 minutes of shadow boxing, I have an acute sense time, so I could keep track of time relatively well, 30 push ups, sit ups, burpees, and curl ups would do. Now then... time to break a sweat!

*insert training montage here*

<2 hours later>

Panting heavily, I look at my shaking and sweat covered body. My muscles were tense, and covered in a sheen of sweat. They shook as I continue to breathe in air... but damn.. I had expected physical exertion to be hard on my body... but I hadn't expected it to be this hard. I could barely move, and I could already feel the tender and soreness of my muscles... I guess being in liquid for that long really does a number on your body... more than I thought it did.

Sighing gently, I walk over to my bed and clamber up onto it tiredly, settling atop the hard cloth and pelt bed and snuggling in to try and sleep. I'm going to need it from the amount of time that it took for me to finish exercises so simple as I had done before.

Time-skip: Morning

Waking up from my exhaustion induced slumber, I sit up and stretch my arms up and behind me, working the kinks out of my arms and back as rays of sunlight shined through the window. Getting to my feet, I bounced on one ball of my foot to the other, strangely feeling the absence of the sore feeling you would normally get after exercising. Huh, guess saiyan physiology heals that portion quickly too...

Smelling the heavenly smell of food wafting into my bedroom from the living room, I poke my head out into the hall and slowly begin to creep down it. Peering into the living room/kitchen, I see Gine cooking, with Bardock kissing her gently from behind her as she cooked. Eugck. Parent mushiness is gross, specially when you remember that these two are saiyans... but at the same time the 16 year old in me says it's cute.

Moving into the living room I rub my bleary eyes and sit down at the table, waiting for the food to be served. Parting from their kiss, Bardock and Gine look back to see me at the table rubbing my eyes. Sighing, Bardock comes to the table, while Gine finishes with her cooking. Separating the food onto separate plates, Gine served the food to the table, a large amount of meat mostly with some kind of alien grain resembling rice.
"Alright boys! Dig in!"
Gine announced as then me and Bardock began to wolf down the food- it was fucking delicious, no wonder Saiyans ate so much.

<30 minutes later>

Having finished breakfast, me and Bardock said our goodbyes to Gine, before I was picked up by stoic father and essentially dragged through the village. Bardock continued to march through rocks and abandoned parts of town until we finally reached an patch of land.. I was currently wearing a suit of combat armor that looked suspiciously similar to Vegeta's Combat armor during the Frieza Saga. The only differences were that the under suit wasn't long sleeved and was a Matte black. A strange thing I had noticed on our way to this training field was that the houses weren't made of modern materials for the Saiyans, which was weird, but made sense according to Vegeta's hierarchy.

Suddenly out of nowhere, I was unceremoniously dropped onto the ground, and then kicked in the sighed before being held by the scruff of my neck by father. I squirmed a bit, uncomfortable at this, but knew that I couldn't really get away, even if I truly wanted. At some level I wanted to get taught by Bardock, I mean, 1. Riot Javelin is cool, 2. He's Goku's, and now my, dad.
"Nasu we start your training NOW. The first thing you should remember is to always be on guard. Getting caught off guard on the job is a death sentence."
Bardock lectured while I wheezed and tried to suck in air to breathe properly

"The second thing is that even the weakest grow to overcome the strongest. Look at me! I'm stronger than the king of our planet and I was born as "just another low class Saiyan".
So, don't give up even if you want to!" He smirked at me, even as I was still doubling over in pain from the sucker punch... sucker kick? Father one day I'm going to make you pay... and you are not going to like dealing with me!
I vowed silently in my mind.

Nodding at him, I slowly start to stand up and he gives me another smirk and says, "Now I am first going to teach you basic Close Quarters Combat. Now get ready because these next few months are going to be hell multiplied by a large amount." While I thank my father for wanting to train me, I'm kind of starting to hate him because of his smug and confident attitude.

<8 hours and multiple beatings later>

I struggled to stand as I tried to get out of the crater my father had punched me into. He truly was ruthless, like most saiyans on this planet were. One thing I noticed however, was that as we fought and he taught, he opened up, becoming less cold towards me, I guess he was really just waiting to see if his son was weak or a coward or not. He then finally gave me a genuine smile instead of a smirk and said,
"Heh, Lets end it here for today and get some dinner. I'm staaarving!"
He said as I nodded in agreement. My legs felt like jelly, so for the first time in my life I speak to my father and say "Daddy will you carry me?"
He smiles at me and says
"Heh, sure kid!"
He then picks me up and puts me on his back and we start the journey home just be arrive at our house he tells me that we will measure my power level tomorrow to see how much I have grown in strength. When we enter the house, I see someone I know very well sitting next my mom having dinner. My brother, Raditz has come home. Today i will meet him for the first time.

When me and dad walk through the door Raditz says, "Heh, so you are my little brother ey? You don't seem like much." I don't like how he is talking to me but before I could do anything mom says, "Raditz that's rude apologize to your little brother right now!" "Ah! Yes mom! Sorry for being mean little bro." He looks down at the table and starts twiddling his thumbs. It seems that no matter what culture that the rage of a mother could frighten even the strongest of men and brattiest of brats. Mom then brings the food and sets it on the table. After than she goes back to the kitchen washes her hands and sits with us at the table. We then all tuck into our food happily. After dinner we all go to bed. Once I reach my room, I make sure to do my body strengthening routine before falling asleep.

A/N And that is this chapter done! The next chapter Nasu will develop some of the techniques discussed about in the techniques chapter. Stay tuned! Like share and leave a comment if you like! Constructive criticism is appreciated!

Edited: 12/23/19

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