Chapter 7: Planet Menma

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A/N Thanks for all the support! I really appreciate all the support I have been getting for this story. I know I'm far from being a good writer, but the fact that there are people that care about my stories makes me happy! I'll continue this story. And I won't stop till this is done! Now onto the story!
Edit: gonna use these to signal thoughts! ''

<Time: The day of planet Vegeta's Destruction, Location Space above Vegeta>

As the massive mob of Frizea Force(FF) soldiers and their respective fleet loomed over planet Vegeta like a swarm of locusts, Frieza slowly rose from his spaceship on his hover chair and looked down at the massive planet.

Frieza POV

"It's finally time I rid my self of these filthy monkeys! Zarbon, Dodoria, notify all Frieza Force soldiers on Planet Vegeta that they have 10minutes to evacuate before the planet blows up. If they're still on the homeworld of those filthy monkeys when it blows up... well that's their fault."
"Yes Frieza-sama"
"Yes lord Frieza"
,came the respective answers. The small reptilian power house then turned back to stare at Planet Vegeta, previously Planet Tuffle.

Ten minutes had now passed and frieza rose from his chair and into the vacuum called space and looked down at the planet. But as he gazed upon the planet of the species he was planning to exterminate he saw a person, no a saiyan, rushing towards him at high speeds.

"FFFFFRRRRRIIIIIEEEEEZZZZZAAAAAA!!!" yelled Bardock as he gathered Ki in his palm rushing towards the "Emperor" of the universe.
"Hilarious! Ohohohoho! One of you monkeys dares try to fight me? I'll show you why my father let me take control of his organization!"
Frieza raised his pointer finger up and began forming a massive ball of Ki.

Bardock seeing this launched his attack, "RIOT JAVELIN!!!"
The blue colored ball of Ki rocketed towards Frieza and hit its target... but in the end the tyrant came out with not even a scratch on his face...

"Ho! Now that tickled!"
Seeing Bardock's surprise, Frieza cocked an eyebrow,
"Oh? Was that meant to hurt me? How pathetic... you couldn't even scratch my flesh"
Rapidly, an menacing orange ball of ki began to grow atop Frieza's finger. It was radiating with power and all Bardock could as he witnessed the creation of the Ki Ball was gape in awe and fear.
"Well then, I guess this is goodbye... you filthy monkeys! SUPERNOVA!"
Frieza aimed his finger, and subsequently the giant reddish orange ball of Ki, at planet Vegeta, the large Ki blast slowly started to head towards the surface of the planet where it would blow up, destroying the planet, and killing most of the saiyans in the universe.
Bardock snapped out of his reverie and blasted towards the underside of the ki blast and held his hands up, in a desperate last attempt to stop Planet Vegeta's destruction. In the end his attempts were futile, as his power, compared to the ki blast, was far inferior.
"Gine... Kakarot... Raditz... Nasu..."
Tears were falling from Bardock's eyes, but they were just as quickly being evaporated by the sheer power of the Ki Blast.
"I failed... I'm sorry..."
The keep blast overtook Bardock, destroying his body as it raced down to the Surface of Vegeta.
When the ball finally hit the planet the entire thing blew up in a horrifyingly beautiful explosion, a splash of Orange, red, and brown in the vast canvas that was open space. The blast pushed back all the ships in the area, as a shockwave of Ki blasted through space from the sheer power of the explosion.
"Well then I guess this is the end of the ordeal with the saiyans... Oh and King Vegeta..." said Frieza as he looked down at the skull in his hands, "consider your contract... T E R M I N A T E D! OHOHOHOHOHO!" The tiny tyrant then once again boarded his ship and then went back to where ever he ruled his horrific tyrannical empire from.

<Scene Change: Space above Planet Menma. Time: 2 Years after Planet Vegeta's destruction>

3rd Person

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