Chapter 11: Final Battle! Nasu vs Tenma and the journey to Earth.

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"Heh," Tenma smirked at me, "You should be a worthy opponent! You shall face my true form! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Harsh winds whipped around as Captain Tenma powered up, my hair flowed in the wind as Tenma began to change transforming into a form I never thought he had. His horns, nails, and teeth elongated and his nose turned into a snout as he slowly transformed into what appeared to be a Minotaur. The frightening thing though was the power he was giving off. The transformation had quintupled his power! I wont be able to match his strength without the DKB the problem is is that the DKB has a set time limit and I could drop out of it at an inconvenient time, not to mention that the Primal Saiyan form hasn't been properly combat tested yet...

I can't win if I don't do this though, so it must be done. "Hmmm?" Tenma curiously looked at me as I once again went into the horse riding  stance. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "What!?!?" "HAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, DRAGON KING'S BLITZ" I screamed as a violent crimson aura exploded around me I only have 20 minutes to beat him... I can do this... No I have to do this "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" I screamed as I charged at him, Tenma blocked the attack and then tried to slug me in the gut, to which I responded with sweeping kick. Soon we were fighting in the air sonic booms going off as we continued to do battle "BAM, CRACK, WOOSH."

We leapt back as we prepared to go into another bout of intense fighting, and then leaptfoward with all our might. A massive "BOOM" resounded out as both of our punches connected with their target. Once again we started a slug fest, he would kick with his right I would block with my left, I would jab at his head which he would follow up with an uppercut to the gut which was then blocked by me. This kept on going until he left himself open and I got a vicious knee into his chest. He coughed up blood as he staggered away, but he then quickly rebounded and quickly got back to his feet.

'I have to press the advantage I have now if I do~' "GAH" I yelled as suddenly the time for the DKB ran out. "Hah your technique ran out hmm? You can't possibly win now you know. Just give up, I will give you a quick death." "Never!" I spat. He kicked me in the head and sent me flying. He was so much faster than me. How can I even deal with him when I can't see him, or react on time to meet him? I can't use the DKB for another 5 minutes. I'm just going to have to try and wait this out. I was once again on solid ground I tried to get up but he punched me into the ground and then proceeded to pound my body into a crater.

"Hah! You are a weakling! You should just give up and die here. You don't deserve to live!" He picked me up by my right foot and swung me out of the crater, then he sledge hammered me down only to the ground once more. I tried to stand up again but my body just couldn't do it. It hurts so much! "Just give up you know you can't win." Captain Tenma said. No I can't give up here. Everything I've worked for will all be for nothing if I die now. "DRAGON KING'S BLITZ!!!" the DKB activated once again but this time the aura was different. There were now yellow sparks of bio electricity flying around me.

Yes! I activated the third level of the Dragon King's Blitz! I can definitely beat him now. I stand up slowly. Even with the new power coursing through my body I am still in major pain from the injuries I received. "Heh so you can stand up still huh? Well then let's finish this with a final beam struggle! Victoorrrrryyyy" I cup my hands at my sides and begin my own beam attack "Buuuurrrrrssssst CANNNOOOONNNNNN!" "WAAAAVVVVVVE!"

The Victory Wave was an Orange Ki wave attack and it contrasted well with the cyan of the Burst Cannon. As both attacks rushed at each other they ripped pieces of the ground apart, leaving mini-trenches in their wake. When the attacks collided, there was a magnificent flash of reddish orange and cyan. I grit my teeth as I poured all my power into this last beam struggle "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH".

I screamed as I poured more and more power into the Burst Cannon hoping to overpower Tenma's Victory Wave. I grit my teeth as My attack slowly but surely overcame Tenma's but it wasn't going fast enough for me "HAAAAAAAAAAAH" I poured everything I had into the Burst Cannon, the Burst Cannon then overwhelmed the Victory Wave and Tenma's existence was erased from the face of the galaxy."NOOOOOOOOO! THIS CAN'T BE! I THE GREAT TENMA LOST TO A BRA-"

"Haaah haaaah haaaa" I panted. I was extremely tired but the fact that Frieza Force soldiers found me means that more will be coming. I have to leave soon. I suppress my power and fly towards my home in an effort to not collapse on the battlefield. When I get in my home  I fell asleep quickly due to being extremely fatigued from the battle.

<The Next Day>

I'm sad that I have to leave this early. This house has been my home for the last two years and was supposed to house me for another one, but now that the Frieza Force is actively gunning for this planet and me I have to evacuate and unfortunately I can't bring anything from my home with me since my pod is tiny.

I proceed to pack everything that fits into a small satchel I cobbled together with animal hides, and then rush to find the place I hid my pod. "Ah there it is!" I open the odd door and jump in. I power the pod up and input the coordinates for Earth. "Bye Planet Menma. Hopefully you are still as beautiful as I found ya when I come back!" I says as the ship slowly lifts off. The pod then gases my chamber with sleep gas and begins the year long journey to earth.

Sorry guys! I was gonna release this yesterday but I fell asleep on accident. Three physics reports at once really takes the energy out of ya ya know?
We'll see ya. Next time!

Edited: January Second 2020

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