Chapter 16: Fire Mountain!(Old)

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Having defeated Yamcha, it was time to get a move on. Our hunt for the Dragonballs resumed and Bulma let us know where we were going, "Well it seems that the Dragonball is in a place called Fire Mount-" "FIRE MOUNTAIN!?!?" Shouted Oolong. We all just looked at him as if he were insane. "HAVEN'T YOU HEARD!? THE DEMON OX KING LIVES THERE!!! WE'LL BE FRIED IF WE GO THERE!!!" Bulma just gives him a look, "He can't be much stronger than the Son bros right Nasu?" My power level is in Low 40K to high 30K range of course I'm much stronger than him but I can't tell them that, "I could probably deal with him." "See!" Bulma exclaims. I chuckle at their antics but Oolong suddenly jumps out of the boat "I don't care if you guys want to kill yourselves but I'm outta here!" He turns into a fish and swims down stream... "Well... uh any ideas on how to catch him?" Bulma asks.

I glance at her and then get an evil glint in my eye which seems to scare her, "Yeah... we get some bait... and I think you know what constitutes as bait when it comes to Oolong." She turns pale and then blushes scarlet as she grabs a fishing pole and removes he panties. She then places her panties on the end of the hook and casts the line. She then realizes that she has no other panties and turns completely scarlet she looks at me and blushes harder.

Eventually Bulma feels a snag in the line and pulls and we all see Oolong back in the boat with Bulma shoving another PP Candy down his throat. I laugh in amusement as she the proceeds to verbally berate and him. After that's done with we begin to move down the river once more.

<1 Hour Later>

We eventually arrived at a beach which see was close to fire mountain, but Oolong seemed to have this urge to run off and have diarrhea every single minute (I know this from the PP candy) but come this was ridiculous. As we continued to trek from the beach into the forest Oolongs constant shitting seemed to increase and only stopped when we were right infront of Fire mountain, "Hey! Goku can you check Fire mountain out for us?" "Yes Bulma I will! Don't worry I'll be back in a jiffy!" "NIIMMMBBBUUUUSSS!!!!" He calls and we watched as the yellow cloud swooped down and picked him up. "I'll see y'all soon!" He said as flew off into the distance. Welp I guess we just play the waiting game now... "Hey Bulma" I ask. She turns to me and I say, "You ever manage to get another set of panties on?" She blushes scarlet red finally realizing she had gone commando all this time. I smirk at her blush and turn around. Haaa... it truly is fun to tease people.

<30 minutes later>

"Hey guys?" Goku shouts from the Nimbus, "I can't fly,over the fire, the heat... it's to much" "That's alright Goku!" I yell back, Seeing a figure coming out from behind the fire I shout back, "Cause I think I see the Ox king coming this way right now!" "WHAT!!?!" everyone, sans Goku, shouts. As they turn see where I'm staring at the silhouette became more and more defined until the iconic image of the Amao I King stepped out of the fire.
"WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE FOR BEING HERE!!?! ARE YOU HERE TO STEAL MY TREASURE?" "N-n-no Ox King-Sama we were j-j-just passing by... and~" "SHUT UP! I KNEW YOU THIEVES WERE HERE TO STEAL MY TREASURE! I'LL KILL YOU ALL HERE AND NOE!!!!" He charges start us but I dash in front of the group and meet the Ox King's punch with my own. The resounding shock wave from the force of the punches meeting throws everyone on their asses, and the Ox Ling seemed to be amazed that I could meet his attacks like this.

I smirk at him and round house him in the head causing him to get blown to the side. I charge at him and he gets in a defensive stance to meet my attack. I dash in appearing to go for an uppercut but as soon as I see him start to block my fist I leave an after image and move behind him he notices that when my punch connected he felt nothing. He then gets confused but is shocked when he feels a blow to the middle of his spine as I had kicked him. "You're Y-Y-You're a Martial Artist!!! A true martial artist after all these years! I will finally have a good fight! HehehehehHAHAHAHAHA" he says as he begins to unleash his full power I duck, bob, and weave around his slow heavy attacks... but he seemed surprised that I was easily dodging each and everyone of them. I then flipped over him and kicked him in the back of the head, landing gracefully behind him what I didn't expect was to be uppercutted and felt the full blow... "GACK!!!!" I spat out as I flew backwards. CRACK! I hear and as I look at the ox king I see him holding his broken hand... heh at least he didn't get out of that scot free... "ANIKI!!!" I hear from above me and see as Goku swoops in on the Nimbus and proceed to kid the Ox King down.

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