Chapter 10: A Frieza Force Patrol Has Found Me?!

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<Just Outside of Planet Menma's Atmostphere>

Unknown POV

"Lord Zarbon... we have arrived at the planet you requested us to clear." "Hn. Good. I want all of you to clear the surface of the planet leave nothing except for the flora, all the fauna must be gone by the time I arrive there. Is that understood?" "YES SIR!"

Nasu's POV

Having finally been able to compress the Great Ape last night I had hunted a lot of large animals and made a GRAND feast for myself... seriously there was more than enough food to feed a hundred people there... moving on. I need to work on ki sensing. While I can do it... it is not where I want it to be... I can only sense signatures from around 50kms away...

While being a decent range I want to be able to one day use Instant Transmission(IT) and I need to be able to sense things from very far away for me to be able to do that. Anyways today is just going to be meditating, Ki Control exercises, and honing my Ki sensing technique.

Unknown POV

We touched down on the planet at 0500. We are now making our way to the highest power signature on this planet. A power level of over fifteen-thousand! We are lucky to have been assigned a veteran soldier from the Cold force who has a power level of over 50,000 otherwise we would be screwed...

"Hey Den!" "Yah?!" I replied, "We found the person with that crazy strong power level, make sure to alert Captain Tenma!" "Yah I will Sergeant Heian! Don't get your panties in a twist." Heian whirled around to face the now named Den "I should shoot you for that you know?! I am your superior in power level, rank, and experience! Don't disrespect me, is that understood?" I just gave her a shrug and walked away to inform the captain that we would be needing his presence in a fight soon. "One more thing, the target is saiyan." "What I thought they were wiped out when their planet blew up?" "He must have been sent out as a baby and didn't come back..." "I see, well I will go give Tenma-Taicho this info. See ya" I started walking a way again. I got a bad feeling, maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Nasu's POV

It's been a couple of hours since I started doing this but recently I have been getting Ki signatures popping up, and they have been higher than those of the animals around me... I think someone may have found me, or this planet does have an indigenous smart species with access to Ki. The most likely though is that the Frieza Force has found me and I will have to cut my training and leave for earth early...

This is annoying because it's only a year before this training trip would have been done...Haaaah I won't go seeking them out. I'll wait for them to come to me. Let's just hope my house doesn't get destroyed in the crossfire. I do eventually want to return here.

<45min later>

They're getting closer I can feel it. One them is incredibly strong... more so than me. They all are strong. I estimate their power levels to be mostly around 12,000BP. Their is one with something close 55,000BP. I may have to use my Primal form to get out of this. There are around five of them at 12,000. Two of them are at 14,000. The last one is again at something close to 55,000.

"Heh. What's a Saiyan doin' out here, kid?" I look at the voice that just spoke and I see a woman with blue skin, pointed ears, and blue hair staring at me. "Living my life." I reply to her question. She laughs at my answer and then says "Sorry kid, but we are going to take that life away from you" and then grins darkly at me. "Come on out guys. Let's beat the snot out of this brat! Hahahaha" I see seven figures drop down from the sky and six of them drop into fighting positions with the woman. The last one just stands there, glaring at me menacingly.

"Heian!" "Y-Ye-Yes Sir?!"I wont join this fight until this brat has proven himself a worthy opponent. Now go test him. I shall watch from here." "YES SIR!" The four of the seven Frieza Force soldiers charge at me and try to punch me, but before I could I jumped back and landed on my feet a few meters away from them. "Hey guys lets fight fair. Two at time, hows that for ya?" "NOPE" was their answer as they once again came flying at me. I blocked a punch that came from my left, then jumped over a sweeping kick, and got decked in the jaw by an uppercut.

I was blown up and back by the punch and was once again assaulted by the 4 Frieza Force soldiers. 'Shit! I might have to pull Primal out of my pocket faster than I had thought. I can't handle this many at once.' I though as another punch came flying past my head. Then suddenly the three that hadn't joined in close quarters combat, opened up with a volley of Ki blasts and waves making my job even harder.

'Well I did want to field test this transformation.' I jump back far enough so that I have a little bit of time before they reach me. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I scream as begin to power up.

"S-s-sir the saiyan child! H-his power level! It's rising rapidly!" "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I continue to power up and suddenly most of the scouters break, exploding as I transformed into primal saiyan. The only one that hadn't was the one on Tenma's face "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" a bright white light appeared as my aura flared around me kicking up high speed winds as my power level quickly shot up to over 300,000BP.

The frieza soldiers looked at me, scared as they realized that they were far out matched. The only one who hadn't looked at me that way was the the man with a power level of over 50000. He instead was smirking at me. As if he was far stronger than I could ever be. It seems that I need to be cautious with him. I walked in front of them all by brown tail swishing behind me and my black hair flowing in the wind that kicked up so to my transformation.

"What are your names?!" I said. "I-I-I am sergeant Heian," the girl with blue skin, hair, and elongated ears said, " and the guy standing over there is Captain Tenma." This "Tenma" Person was rather tall. Standing at around 8.5 feet and looking to weigh at something close to a ton of pure muscle. He had blue skin, and there were horns coming out of his head. He had green eyes with red hair seeming to compliment them.

Sergeant Heian spoke up again, "The six others are under my command. This one here is Den," she said as she pointed to the guy who had decked me in the jaw. He was an average height, and looked mostly human. The only difference we're that he has elf ears. "this one is Osara" as she pointed to a bulky grey skinned alien. "This one is Ren" he seemed to be a carbon copy of Den and like Osara and Den he was part of the group that assaulted me in CQC. "and this is Hara." she said as she pointed to what looked to be a Jeice ripoff.

"These four make up our CQC squad. Me and the two next to me make up the range squad. The one to my right is Kappa, and the one to my left is Bakuha." "Hehe that's great! Now I know the names I'll have to put on the graves when I'm finished with you all" I said as I charged forward. I kicked the now named Den in the head with a roundhouse kick and then pivoted my body to launch my self at Heian she rapidly started firing Ki blasts at me which had no effect at all except for slowing me down. I then gave her a hard gut punch and then kicked her chin and sent her flying. Using my speed I got behind her in the air and sledgehammered her into the ground.

"SERGEANT!!!" The soldiers yelled as she hit the ground and created a crater. The now enraged soldiers decided to try and hit me once again but I easily dodged them and began charging people a Burst Cannon. "Heh... by the i time I'm done with you lot there won't be anything left. This attack is going to obliterate all of you and there is nothing you can do about it. haaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BURST CANNON" the blue wave of Ki rushed towards the soldiers and they closed their eyes in preparation for their final moments on this plane of existence, but then Tenma saved them in an amazing show of agility. He then turned to me and said. You are a worthy opponent. Let us fight in honorable combat.

Sorry to leave you guys with a cliff hanger. But finals just finished and I'm a bit tired. The next chapter should be released sometime tomorrow so stay tuned! Peace out Fifty!

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