Chapter 21: The Budokai PT.3 (Old)

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Me and Roshi began to circle each other, both of us waiting for the other to make the first move. The broken tiles of the original stage serving as cover and a unique terrain, I gave a smirk to the old master of the Turtle Martial Arts style... he was destined to win this... but not by his own hard work. Which he seemed to realize.
"You make the first move old man... I'm gonna let you have one... just one free hit before I go all out!"
I give him a cocky smirk, one that slightly infuriated the older man. My words being taken as a mockery of him and his martial arts school. Charging forward Roshi, currently posing as Jackie Chun, threw a punch at me, hitting me in my stomach.
Roshi put off by my laughter backed off, jumping back warily as he got into a defensive position... that... was the best hit out them all... as to be expected from the legendary turtle hermit.
"Good... let me rate that hit of yours..."
Adopting a thinking posture, I pretended to mull over how hard his hit was...
"I'll give it a... five out of ten!"

Shooting the elderly man a predatory smirk, I lowered my body, coiling up like a spring as I assumed amore offensive position.
"Now... It's MY turn!"
Charging forward I press a truly impressive offensive. A flurry of punches and kicks fly towards Roshi, who desperately tries to block them. The both of us are like a blur on the battle, the crowd watches in awe as we display our strength and speed.
A particularly fast kick catches me off guard and Roshi manages to slip into a range where he is able to efficiently land blows on me without getting hit.
Roshi, fully taking advantage of his position, upper cuts me, and then follows up with three consecutive kicks, each blow hitting my stomach.
I get sent flying at the force of the blows, luckily I'm caught by a shard of debris... it would have been embarassing to lose because of carelessness... so early in the match too... Beginning to get back on my feet, I settle into a more flexible position, one bot entirely focused on offense, but not one focused on defense either.
"You are too cocky! Watch how your enemy moves... or you shall lose in this fight against me!"
Is... is the old man actually lecturing me during this fight? He... he's gonna pay for that...

"Hmph... do not lecture me when..."
"I'm already behind you!"
Looking at me Roshi's eyes widen in surprise as he gets in the back with a vicious knee kick, followed up by a shoulder tackle. Tucking my self into a roll I use the momentum gained to land on the other side of Roshi's body. Looking down at Roshi I barely see a twitch...maybe I went to hard on him...
I glance at the blond man in sun glasses. He starts to sweat a bit at the intense stare I'm giving him.
"Start the count down!"
Looking back at Roshi, I make sure to never take my eyes off him.
"A-Ah! Yes of course"
The announcer jumps off his podium, and moves to Roshi and begins the count.
Roshi twitches a bit... but it seems in consequential.
Roshi's body seems to be... hazy and almost incorporeal lookin-
The announcer looks up at me in surprise as whirl a round to meet a round house kick aimed at my temple. Using my body's momentum, I spin around, jump back, and land on my feet a couple of paces away from him. That sneaky old bastard! He tried to use the afterimage to get the drop on me...
"So... you avoided that one..."
Roshi gives me intense glare as he go on the offensive again...
"But you won't be able to dodge something you can't predict!"
Roshi seems to slump over, and begins to stumble around with no real destination in my mind... it's almost as if he's...
Roshi gives a hiccuping laugh, stumbling around and singing as he slipped into the drunken fist. Roshi slowly begins to stumble towards me, and even though I was ready and waiting for a strike, the chaotic, and rather random nature of the drunken fist made it hard for me to predict his movements, especially at the speed that he was going at. While I could just raise my power and be done with it... I'm not supposed to win this match anyways... But I at least have to make this hard won for the old fart. Watching as the old man continued to act drunk, I began to formulate a plan to take over this kata... while naturally I'd resort to the sane technique so I could fight him one on one... I've genuinely never been drunk before... so there's no way I could even try to copy the drunken fist. However... if I were able to knock Roshi off balance, and then blast him away... it would leave him open for an assault.

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