Chapter Five: Another timeskip!? Seriously!?

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A/N Eiiyooo! I'm back with another chap for you guys!!!! Let's get on with this

<An unknown amount of time since the "spar">
'Ughhh... what... happened...'
Opening my eyes, I try to focus them in the images outside the door, but a green, liquid seems to be stopping from seeing fully...
'Green liquid... oxygen mask... still in my armor... am I in a healing pod?'
I bring my right hand up to rub eyes, when suddenly a medic walks into the room.
"Sir Bardock!!! Your son! He's waking up!"
I hear loud footsteps as my father marches into the room with an air of dignity,
"He is now? Drain the pod, and get him out."
Father gestures to the man with his steely gaze set on him. The medic trembles fear before opening his mouth, closing again and adopting a pensive look then moving to speak,
"B-But sir Bardock, it might prove better for his health if he sta-
Father takes a deep bretah and calms down before speaking again,
"Open the pod. NOW."
The medic hurriedly nods and brings up a button panel. He swiftly presses a couple buttons, starting the draining process. Father walks up to the healing pod watching the fluid drain. As soon as the fluid is below my neck, I rip off the mask, and take a deep breath.
Rubbing the healing fluid out of my eyes I begin to stretch a bit to get the kinks out if my my muscles. When the fluid was fully drained, the medic once again pressed a few buttons on the panel, and opened the door to the pod.

Walking forward, I jumped out of the pod door, and immediately my legs almost buckled under my weight,
Luckily my father catches me before I face-plant.
"Easy there son. You just got out of a healing pod. Being perfectly still while floating in liquid for a few days seriously makes your muscles deteriorate."
He helps me and supports me so I don't fall over again.
"Now then... you should have gotten a Zenkai boost from that fight you had with Raditz,"
Father takes out his scouter, and places it in his head. He presses the button on the side of it and powers it up.
"so let's check your Battle Power"
The scouter makes it trade mark beeping noise as it calculates my BP.
Bardock goes quiet for a moment, before he bursts out into a deep belly laugh.
"Hahaha! As expected from my son! You've jumped to a staggering 520 in Battle Power."
"Thanks dad!"
I give him a smile while having a meltdown on the inside. He smiles at me and ruffles my hair. The medic just looks at us as if we were the cutest, yet weirdest father sin pair ever.
"Now then let's go home, Raditz woke up yesterday so he's waiting for you! You should spend as much time as you can with him before he leaves for his next mission three days from now."

<One Year later>

It's been a year since the "spar" and I'm sorry if you readers out there don't like it but that's how I'm going to refer to it got it!?

A/N Sorry to interfere with your story but it seems Nasu has performed a 4th Wall break. Let me just fix this... and that... and this... done! Now back to your story!

The past year has been training to perfect my control and perfect my Ki attacks. The Shining Star was relatively easy to get down to pat but the Burst Cannon was quite hard to perfect
'even if I was the one that made the attack... haaaa...'
Welp, at least the Burst Cannon no longer takes legit over half of my Ki reserve to utilize! Well... it still eats up like a tenth of my total reserve but it's like my most powerful attack so I can let it slide... for now.
'I'm working on it okay!'
Mom is, once again, now pregnant! Goku was soon going to be coming into the world and in 2 years planet Vegeta will be destroyed. In preparation I made a rapid fire Ki blast technique I call... the Cosmic Blaster. When I use this technique multiple fast traveling orange, red, and yellow ki blasts will come out of my palm and rush towards the enemy to deal a devastating amount of damage if they hit. While individually each blast is weaker than the Shining Star and they don't have the homing capabilities of the technique, the fact that the blasts are fired off at almost the same rate as a machine gun, 'that's grossly over stating the RPM but do I care? No. No I do not.' which makes them on par with it.
Mom got pregnant 6 months after the "spar" meaning she is now in her last month of pregnancy... saiyan babies come out sooner than human babies do! Anyways for this whole year I have been training and I finally got to see what I look like! Since mom had to check in to the hospital and there a plenty of reflective surfaces there, I finally got a glimpse of my, if I do not say so myself, adorable face.I look just like kid Goku! Just a bit more serious. My tail also seems longer than most kids my age... Not only that I'm quite tall compared to the other saiyan children I've seen. I dwarf most kids my age at a mind blowing height of 140cm... which also tends to make my father byrst into tears in pride...
'Seriously Bardock you're not supposed not be this jolly hold it together man!'
I think I may be growing a bit too well.

My power has also grown quite a lot as well. I am now sitting at a nice 600BP. I have a higher BP than Goku when he defeated Piccolo at the tenkaiichi budokai! I am proud of my work! Right now I'm visiting mom at the childbirth section of the hospital here in the capital...
"Hi mom! How are you?"
"I'm good hunnie! How are you?"
"I'm doing good! Have you and dad come up with a name for my little bro yet?"
"Me and your father have decided to name him Kakarot, isn't that such a great name?"
Suddenly Gine- Mom got a joyful look,
"Oh I can't wait for little Kakarot to be born..."
"That's a wonderful name!!! Mom can I go ou to train now?! Can I?! Can I!?"
Oh! Uhh... Ehehehehe of course you can, sorry for zoning for a sec there eheheheh!"
Mom adopts a sheepish look before shooing me away
"Now run along and train!"
she said as I ran out of the room she was in. I ran down the buildings staircase... did I mention mom is on the 8th floor? Anyways I make my towards the training field. I'm very excited because today dad is going to show me how to fly! I took off at a sprint running through the city then getting closer to the low class residences.

When I finally got to the training field I saw my dad standing there smirking at me "Heh, you're finally here. Today I'm going to teach you how to fly Nasu! Now I'm going to give you a basic run down on how flight works. Flight with energy works by pushing your energy underneath yourself to make you float. Once you master floating you can then apply this action to the rest of your body so you can steer and direct yourself in mid-air. Do you understand?" "Yes dad."

I begin pushing my Ki underneath my self, five minutes later I slowly begin to float upwards. "I did it! Hahahaha!" "That's my son right there HAHAHAHA" I then try to steer my self around and do tricks in the air. No wonder Goten got this so easily. If you have even average Ki control flying is easily doable. I continue to fly around for few hours testing my max speed. When we are finally finished it is getting dark. So we begin are flight home. We arrive in less than five minutes. This is why no one walks any more after dragonball! When we get home we both take a bath and then finally get to bed.

A/N Hey there guys! This is the end of the fifth chapter of this story. I know there was a lot of information in this chapter and not a lot of action. Thanks for tuning in! I would also appreciate it if you would check out the notice for Fifty!Swapfell! We'll see you next time ehehe!

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