Chapter 15: The two Criminals! Oolong and Yamcha!(Old)

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Having gotten the Dragonball from Muten Roshi we are now at Aru Town, the village were Oolong was "capturing" girls. "Where is everyone?" Bulma and Goku ask at the same time. Goku hops out of the car and begins to look around town. Bulma then gets out and says, "Well hopefully we will find the Dragonball I dropped..." Even though Bulma was "better" now her eyes were still a bit red from crying.

Haaaaa. I might as well take the fall here. I go up to the house that I know will be the Sherman Priest's. I then knock on the door and ask, "OI! Is anyone home?" I knock again and ask the question over again. After a seconds of silence I kick the door down and walk in... but as soon as I step foot into the house I feel something, in this case a steel axe, shatter on contact with my skull. "Yeaaaah... I wouldn't do that if I were you my bones are all harder than steel." I say underplaying my durability. Surprise is always welcome after all.

Behind me I see Bulma cowering behind Goku, asme kicking down the door had startled her. I look at the Sherman Priest and he begins to apologize saying, "I'M SORRY OOLONG-SAMA! Please don't take my daughter Pocawatha!" I give him a look to let him know I don't understand a thing he is saying but he was to engrossed in his groveling, so instead I just say, "I am not this Oolong person, but if you want me and my friends might be able to help you."

"W-What!? You are not the Girl Snatcher Oolong?! T-Then how did you survive taking an axe to the head!" Goku steps forward and gives the man a confident look, "My Aniki is that strong, that's why! I once saw him punch a mountain and split it in half!" The man seemed to shiver more, "and while I don't know who this "Girl Snatcher Oolong" is I'm sure we can find a way to help ya!" I chuckle at Goku's antics and the man seems to calm down at the sight of Goku's child like nature... though he was still marginally scared... which was good... fear is also always welcome... just not on a wide scale of course.

I turn to face the man once again as I had been looking at Goku during his speech, "Who is this Oolong anyways?" The Sherman Priest shivers and says "He is a great shape shifting monster, that comes to our village and kidnaps the girls to take as his wives" Bulma turns green in the back and says, "Ugghhh... This guy sounds like a total creep..." I look at the man and ask, "I would like to ask... do you know what a Dragonball is?" The man seems confused until I take out the orange crystal from Bulma's pouch.

"Yes... It is a family heirloom passed down for generations..." I hear as an old woman walks into the house. It seems that a crowd had gathered behind us as soon as it got out that I wasn't Oolong. "If we defeat this... Oolong and bring the girls back to the village... will you give us the ball?" "Yes I believe that would be a suitable reward for defeating the... undefeatable if that is a word." I nod at him in understanding and then turn around, "Can you tell us where he is?" "No... but if one of you dresses up as my daughter and go to where he was supposed to pick her up, it should trick him seeing as he isn't very smart..." heh... Oolong was all muscle and no brains during the Dragonball series wasn't he... well... more like all cowardice and no brains but that's just semantics... heh

<1 Hour Later>

"Bulma are you sure this gonna work? I mean while Goku can pass fairly well as a girl..." I say as I take a glance at Goku in Pocawatha's dress, "He doesn't look anything like Pocawatha... his hair and eyes are black while she has RED hair and GREEN eyes." Bulma just waves me off as if to tell me to have more faith in her. Then she puts on what seems to be a cap, and exclaims "All done!" We then tell the Sherman Priest that we are leaving and set out to where Oolong was supposed to pick Pocawatha up.

When we arrive there me and Bulma hide in the foliage an large trees and wait for Oolong to come out.

We wait for a bit and then realize that this might take a while...

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