Chapter 19: The Budokai! Part 1(Old)

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Looking around the greenery that surrounded me I recounted what I had done... lots of training... What? You though I was actually gonna have a flashback? I don't get those. But yeah... Heh... it's been two months... it's finally time... to kick everyone's ass in the budokai! Hehehehe... nah I'm not really gonna do that. I'm gonna draw out the fights I have. Make them seem interesting. Heh oh this is gonna be fun!

<1 Hour later>

Descending from the air and into the budokai tournament stadium. I drop to the ground and begin to search for my friends. Looking around the food stands. Looking at one of the food stalls I see the familiar palm tree like hair of Goku, as well as the sky blue color hair of Bulma. "Hey guys!" I yell. "NASU!" "Heh! It's nice to see ya! And Whooo! You really grew these past few months!"I smirk and respond, "Yeah! I'm eighteen now I think!" After I say that, everyone gains a surprised look on their face. "Y-you're still e-eighteen?!" I give a grin with a bead of sweat beginning to roll down the side of my face. "Yeah! I still got some years to grow!" Bulma just has this shaky smile on her face, "But you are already l-like 6'2!" Blinking rapidly, I realize now why the world felt so short to me. "Huh! Well would you look at that! I'm tall y'all! Hehehehe!" the rest of the group seems to sweat drop while I celebrate.

<2 Hours later>

"NOW TO ANNOUNCE THE FIGHTS! UP FIRST WE HAVE KRILLIN VERSUS NASU!" The crowd cheered as me and Krillin stepped forward. "AFTER THAT AN EXCITING MATCH BETWEEN JACKIE CHUN AND YAMCHA!" The crowd seemed to get even more riled up, whistles and cheers were heard as the announcer continued to hype the fights. "THEN WE HAVE A MATCH BETWEEN THE MIGHTY GIRAN AND GOKU!" Goku took a glance at Giran, who just gave him this weird smirk. "AND LAST! BUT NOT LEAST, WE HAVE A MATCH BETWEEN THE BEAUTIFUL RANFAN, AND THE STOIC NAM!" The male portion of the crowd erupted in cheers as Ranfan blew them a kiss.

"NOW THEN! ALL FIGHTERS EXCEPT FOR NASU AND KRILLIN, PLEASE STEP OFF THE STAGE!" As the other finalists left the arena Goku turned around and waved to me, "Good luck Aniki! Good luck Krillin!" I smirk at him, and Krillin gives him a thumbs up. "WELL THEN! ARE YOU READY?" Looking at him I say "Yeah." Krillin glances around him before turning his eyes back to me, "I was born ready!" He says. "THEN... FIGHT START!"

Krillin seems to steel himself, before dropping low and charging me. Blocking a punch to the gut, I jump back and observe the arena. It was a flat, elevated tiled floor, and with no real way to get any advantage... but I could make a better landscape! Thrusting my hands towards the ground I do a handstand and gather Ki in my palms. "HAAAAAAH!" *BOOM!* The floor beneath a me erupted into a blast of rubble and debris as I reshaped the fighting ground. The arena platform itself was already large enough, but using the piled debris and careful Ki application I had raised, lowered and strategically cracked the platform. "WAH!" Krillin exclaimed as he jumped into the air to avoid the blast. Looking down at the ground I begin spin mid air and twist myself to land perfectly on the ground.

"Heh! You really thought you could win just by rushing me Krillin?" I put a finger under my nose, and began to rub it, not too unlike how Sonic does, "Well you are gonna have to try a lot better than that!" Krillin landed on top of a pile of debris in front of me. He immediately got into his stance and prepared to rush me again. Getting into the Dragon Stance, I coiled the muscles in my body up so I would be ready, ready to meet Krillin when he came at me. "Heh! I might not be able to win, but I will be damned if I don't go down trying! HAAAAAAH!" Krillin roared as he charged at me. Using the collected force in my muscles, I shot forward like a bullet, and met Krillin's charge. *BOOOM!* a shock wave resounded out as we our forearms collided. We both jumped back and moved away from each other. Seeing an upraised splinter of the arena in front of me I flipped so that my feet were facing the splinter and as soon as I hit the splinter I pushed off of it and charged at Krillin, punching him in the face, and following up with a knee to the stomach, "GUH!" Moving behind Krillin I kick him in the back causing him to go flying towards the edge of the arena. "A DEVASTATING COMBO MADE BY NASU! WILL KRILLIN BE ABLE TO GET UP FROM THIS!?l The crowd cheers as the announcer continues to hype up the fight. "LET'S START THE COUNTDOWN! 1! 2! 3!..." looking at Krillin, who was still on the ground I crouched before him. "Oi! Krillin! You really gonna give up after just this little bit of pain?"

Seemingly invigorated by those words, Krillin springs up and manages to sock me in the chin. "Heh! Well, well... you managed to get a hit in..." guess it's time to go serious now. "You want me to go serious? Now you have me!" Krillin gives me a "come at me" gesture and says, "Come at me!" Blasting forward I uppercutted Krillin off the ground, leapt into the air, and backflip-kicked him into the ground. "It's over. Give up." I spoke to him in my serious voice. "Never! HACK! HACK!" Krillin coughed from the hard kick to the spine. Getting up he shakily got into the turtle stance. "Heh... I like your never give up attitude kid... but that's ending here." Rushing him I gave a front kick towards his stomach which Krillin was able to block, sliding the next attack, a side kick, into a combination, I managed to land a hit to Krillin's thigh, which was expected.

What I didn't expect was for Krillin to gain a sudden boost of power, and manage to land a solid uppercut and then combo into a round house, which blastsd me back. Heh... should have expected that from the future strongest human. "Good hit Krillin..." I say getting up from the impact craters that had formed from me smashing into the crag behind me. "But that's not good enough to beat me! Stealing Vegeta's trade mark arrogant "I'm better than you" smirk and crossed arms stance, I wait for Krillin to charge at me. "I've grown! I'll show you just how much... by taking you down... IN THIS LAST ATTACK!" Krillin seems to get into a Kamehameha energy charging stance, and began to chant the iconic words, "KAAAAA... MEEEE..." The guts this brat has... "You wanna try a beam struggle ey... heheheheh... you aren't gonna get out of this without a few scuffs kid... HA!" Getting into the Burst Cannon's charging position. "BUUUURRRST!" "HAAAAA... MEEEE..." "CANNON!" "HA!" The two cyan beans rushed forward from our hands, and collided. The blue Ki waves of death, mesmerized the crowd, beautiful yet deadly, truly a beautiful sight. "GRRR!" Krillin growled as he struggled to push back against my beam. "I'm sorry Krillin... but you are just too weak to win against me as you are now! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The crowd watched as Krillin was engulfed in the blue beam, and a massive explosion rocked the arena. When the flash finished, and the dust cleared, we saw a K.Oed Krillin lying on the ground. "U-UHHH W-WINNER... NASU!" The crowd cheered as I cooled down. "WILL THE NDXT PAIR IF FIGHTERS STEPUP TO THE STAGE PLEASE!" Walking off the stage I give Goku a thumbs up and whispered good luck, before going to the observation area. Let's hope Goku wins... Nah he'lol definitely win.

Bulma's POV

I never realized how strong Nasu was... that display... it cause the entire city to rumble... He seemed to easily overpower Krillin in that clash they had at the end. "Hey Oolong!" "Yeah?" "How do you think Nasu got so strong?" Oolongs seemed to go into deep thought before suddenly dropping out and giving me a shrug... Haaaaa... I might not ever get an answer...

Goku's POV

"Let's have a good fight, all right Giran!"

A/N Hi everyone. Sorry for the short chap... a bit tired and wanted to get this out as soon as possible! Go check out @CrMichShaw ! His story DBUO has featured Nasu and is really cool! Go read it! And once again thanks for the support! I thank all of my fans for the votes you have given me! Hope you enjoyed the chap!

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