Part 12

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Tick.. tick... Tick..

The wall clock ticked in the hush of his cabin with no other sound else than the car honking outside on the road.

His fingers worked on the laptop continuously as he had all the necessary things lined up. He just needed to compile the reports and make a presentation out of it.

Ram didn't knew for how long he was staring at the screen nor he realized if he had blinked his eye lid in a minute.

The tick of the clock, the honking of the cars and the smash of his keyboard buttons resonated for a second as his heart pumped faster with each passing millisecond.

He tried to keep his focus intact but soon his head started hammering as the sounds went louder and unbearable for him, still keeping up with typing he didn't took that warning siren like alarm in his head as it passed through like a short wave.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy, his head spun and he lost vision for few seconds. Sweat formed on his forehead as his breathe huffed, his hands instinctively went to his collar and loosened the collar button to let some air pass through his shirt.

"Ah.." he moaned when a sharp sound buzzed through his head and stunned him. Closing his eyes, he let the sharp sound which ringed in his ears to stop and opened them as soon as his eyes gained focus.

He knew he was not well, he felt heavy and ill. Glancing at his laptop screen to irked his eyes at that moment and with the irritation, he slammed shut his laptop after saving his presentation with shortcut keys.

He did sat there for few more minutes to calm his racing heart and thumping head. Getting up once he felt he could, he grasped his things and started walking, but his eyes fell on the medicine at his desk, not having the heart but the mind to, he took them and shove it inside his pockets just in case of emergency.


The drive back to his mansion was slow and cautious, he was focused but have not intrest in ending up in a casualty.

With his eyes roaming around the empty roads, he could guess it was pretty late as he didn't gazed at the clock before leaving.

Pulling over in his mansion, he didn't even cared to park it inside and just kept it near the porch, getting out he went straight in and ignored the number of people greeting him.

"I won't have dinner" he apprised the curious eyes at him and moved inside his room closing the door shut.

Rubbing the lids of his eyes with the pad of his fingers, he took a deep breathe. Moving inside, he took his coat off and regretted it the very second when he felt cold as a shiver ran through him.

He was quick to grasp the AC remote and set it on the warmer side for now. Sniffing his now running nose, he made his way to get rid of the clothes and change.

When he came back wiping his face with a dry towel, he saw bansi kaka arranging the table for him.

"I said I am not hungry!" Ram slightly snapped at the old man.

"What's wrong with your voice?" Bansi kaka asked.

"Just a soar throat" ram shrugged his shoulders, "and I am not hungry, really" he tried to get rid of the man who can sense each of his emotions, which for now he didn't want to.

"I know" kaka's voice was calm and composed "but you can atleast have soup, it's not good to sleep on empty stomach" Kaka smiled at him and ram had no other option but to take his seat.

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