Part 5

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Social norms?

Being open to people and sharing his thoughts was never Ram's cup of tea. It's just been like that for quite a few years, before he had friends but the ladder to success had lead to his climb up the level and leave many things behind, even people.

There are a number of things and people Ram regret leaving, till date. While he flied in the clouds, he somehow lost his identity as a person.

Today, as he sat inside his cabin and saw everyone sighing to get a break and have lunch, he just watched them grouping up and walking out, talking normally and here, he sat all alone waiting for anyone to call him out.

"No one will" he chuckled sarcastically and moved up to grab something to keep his system running.

When he decided to finally move, he can see the floor almost empty. While he made sure his cabin was locked, he looked over his shoulder to see if the cubicle right in front of the door was empty which it was. The next second he heard faint whispers and he turned in the direction to see rajat and priya, walking towards the door and he can clearly hear the faint laughs.

He followed them silently, not purposefully as their destination was same.

He was observing everyone else with his usual gaze which seemed hard and filled with attitude to many but little did they knew is, it's the structure of his eyebrows that made him look serious when he doesn't intend to.

The cafeteria was almost filled with groups and random chats which he saw the previous day to. When he stepped in and the nearby guy saw him, he went silent and the silence spread all around the room. It felt odd to see people fear him, it gave him a sense of power not in the good vibes.

He rolled his eyes around to see everyone had their eyes fixed on him to see if he roared like a beast to make them run and scatter around, what was he, an alien They thaught?, He felt like one whenever he entered the very premise of this office. There was a single head which was not up or stealing glances at him to his right, he knew exactly the person and decided not the dwell much onto the thought.

Shrugging his shoulders off, he walked to order in his meal. While he looked at the menu even though have placed his order, he could feel eyes on him, a feeling which he hated to its guts. Being in someone's radar is the most awkward and self-conscious thing, that's the main reason Ram Kapoor's work was in limelight but never was in front of limelight.

Waiting for a brief second, he gave a quick look over to his shoulder and almost said "gotcha!" But instead just looked to see few heads turn down in a beat. He felt like a teacher who faced the blackboard while the kids misbehaved.

Once he took his tray and saw the exact seat vacant, he settled down. He took the extra plate he asked for and wiped it with a tissue paper knowing exactly how many eyes were fixed on him. The attendent at the counter to looked at him in shock when ram asked to clean his plate before serving and even asked for an extra one, not sure with the previous.

' is being hygienic a crime? ' he wanted to yell at the people who still stared at him as if he'd eat them instead of the rice he ordered. With the corner of his eyes, he looked at the single table while he set his plate. When he saw her scrunching her face, it irked him and he wanted to ask her the reason which he didn't.

He knew they want him off here as soon as possible, little did they knew he has no interest in being their rat hole of an office, he scrunched his face. The rice was bland to be even called a fried rice, he wanted to yell but kept that to himself only.

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