Part 32

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"Tell me na, what happened?" Neha questioned Priya as soon as she picked the call. Priya closed her eyes for a moment, she knew it was not the right time to speak nor let the night's happening bother her.

"Neha, I am getting late for office, can we talk in the evening? Besides I'll be there anyways by the night, we can talk then also" Priya cleverly dodged her questions and while balancing her phone on her shoulders, hopped onto a rickshaw as well.

Yesterday, the date, amm, the dinner took a while and she got home late, slept late and now woke up late, so she had to skip her usual bus and take an auto instead.

"Accha, you coming by cab right? Or a special ride from your boss?" Neha taunted.

Priya rolled her eyes trying her best not to slur at her idiotic friend who was the sole reason for why she is running late to her office. "I have booked a cab already, so shut up, nothing like that"

"Okay.. okay.. no need to be hyper aggressive, just kidding!" Neha raised her hands in defeat, "besides, I want detailed information at night so be prepared, oh, have to go, peehu's bus is here" saying such neha disconnected the call.

Priya pouted at the abrupt end of call, atleast she could've wished her daughter good morning if Neha wouldn't had a chatter box instead of a human mouth. Sighing Priya consoled herself with an old video of Peehu dancing in her annual function which lured her odd thoughts and put up a smile on her face.

She keeps on watching one video after the other and each video keeps on enlightening her mood.


"Good morning kaka!" Ram heard a chirpy voice entering the usually quite lobby. Turning his head towards the voice as everyone else, he was elated as well as irked to see Priya walking in with a more than happy smile on her face.

He looked at her keenly while she was busy gazing at her phone, the smile widened momentarily as she typed something. 'who was she even talking to?' Ram wondered but then she suddenly put her phone inside her bag and looked straight at him.

Caught, he turned his gaze and entered the lift that came leaving her behind. Seeing him entering the lift she paced faster as the lift would leave soon and was fast enough to enter at the last second.

"Good morning" she greeted softly, "good morning" his greeting was bland. Her chirpy tone was getting on his nerve somehow, but moreover that slight smile at the corner of her lips had him heed.

She was standing in the front while his gaze almost bore into her. The lift seemed to move slower when he wanted to move out soon.

"Reem jheem gire saavan..." Ram heard her hum which surprised him. She was smiling more than usual, was busy texting someone and is now singing! He thought, she had a sweet voice though, he realised but then at the back of his mind he was curious to know the reason behind her happiness.

On the other hand, Priya was still lost in the sweet smile of her daughter, the last video she saw was of when she took peehu to this pool and peehu was laughing like an angel. Priya was never a water baby, she hated it but didn't knew where Peehu got her interest in it.

Peehu's heartiest giggle and smile was plastered up her mind which calmed her heart, she was happy that she ended up humming a random song only to realise after the first line that Ram was present there to.

She looked over her shoulder only to turn her gaze forward immediately, Ram had his gaze locked onto her from the corner of his eyes.

Her heartbeats elevated, when the lift pinged of it's arrival, Priya was quick to run ahead and enter the office leaving Ram behind.

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