Part 6

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Weekend Scenes.

The night that passed with a lot of suffering was quite familiar to her. Though such nights are rare and even stopped bothering her but all of sudden she didn't realised why she was missing that person.

As the night passed she drifted to a slumber and the next morning her routine was same, she worked around her house and made her breakfast as well as lunch. As it was friday, They usually have a pot lunch in the office and that took some efforts from her side as usual all of them asked for a big meal from her side, she was the one to offer.

As she gave a final stir to the paav bhaji, she glanced at the clock which showed past 8.30 am which made her hurry her work.


At the Kapoor Mansion, the scenes were no different for Ram as he took a sip of the coffee kaka gave and scrunched yet again to find it not up to mark. Upto mark? He thought, when did a black coffee has taate level, its not like he was used to having any black coffee else than bansi kaka's but from past 3 days, he's been on coffee adrenaline in his new office which seemed to run his system pretty well. He made a mental note to ask sharon the first thing to make a coffee for him.

As he stood under his shower, his mind drifted back night which added to another one of his sleepless ones. He was not an insomaniac from birth but after he came to mumbai and had no place to rest, he became used to not getting much sleep and doing more work which led him to being sleep deprived totally.

Bansi kaka tried to hand Ram a tiffin box but ram was quick to deny and slide past the old man to move out. Taking his car out, he started the engine and was ready for the day to proceed.

As usual he was before time, way before and as he walked through the less crowded lobby, his eyes again caught the same figure from previous morning.

"Miracles do happen twice it seems" he was quick to greet when he stood near the lift where priya was standing which he guessed from the very entrance.

Priya, who was preoccupied with her thoughts as well the big bag in her hands was startled by his voice at first.

As she glanced at him, she saw his smirk which irked her and made her uncomfortable in a different sort.

"Morning is how you greet someone" he couldn't stop comment as they entered the lift.

"A very good morning Mr.Kapoor" she greeted with a low voice as ram observed her body language which did seemed like her shy nature.

"Morning" he greeted back "are you going for some sort of picnic?" He asked trying to count the number of bags she carried. Her hand bag, a bag on her side and a big one in her hand.

"This!" She held the bag in her hand and asked to which ram gave a curious look.

"A surprise" she smiled and her smile actually made ram smile, when she realised that she was talking to Ram Kapoor in this normal tone, she lowered her gaze and looked anywhere but not at him.

"Better you get the work done than giving surprises" he felt her smile genuine but he was never timepass kind of a person, work was always his priority.

Priya though stood rooted outside the door let ram move ahead and calm her racing heart which thudded like she ran miles.


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