Shapes and Gay- Logicality

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This one-shot is based off of a real conversation with one of my friends, if you see this and know me personally...Don't kill me. ONTO THE CHAPTER

Patton's POV

I was in my room on a tablet that Logan got me a few years ago, just watching Virgil on Tumblr. Hopefully he won't find out about it, I'm not trying to be creepy. I just want to look out for my dark strange son. I began to hear loud shouts from the living room and got up to see what all the ruckus was about.

I started down the stairs and the shouts were getting steadily louder. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I could now see the two sides at the source of all the loud noise. Roman, our resident prince and Logan, my boyfriend. I also saw Virgil on the couch with his large headphones over his ears. At the moment the two arguing sides were shouting strong profanities at each other.

"STOP THAT THIS INSTANT YOU TWO!!!" I shouted over them. They shut up immediately and stared at the ground. "Now, both of you sit down. Tell me what happened" The each sat on couch and made an effort to be as far away from the other as possible. I stood before them and rose my eyebrow, giving the cue for them to start talking.

Logan started "Well, Roman was being completely oblivious to all laws of geometry, and generally was stupid in general." Roman looked at Logan as if he had just accused him of being straight. "I was merely telling my truth Padre, which is that everyone is equal. My form of thinking should be respected" Roman said. Logan facepalmed, "Okay, why don't you start from the beginning" I said.

" Well, I went up to Logan with a few questions." Roman started, "I asked if squares have all 90 degree angles". "Which I said yes" Logan continued "Then I asked him if circles were 360 degrees", "Which I also told him was correct" Logan said. "Then Roman said the most absolutely absurd thing" "I asked him if circles were equal to squares because 90 times 4 is 360"

"THEY ARE NOT" Logan screeched. "But squares are straight and circles are gay" Roman countered, "also, everyone is equal. Therefore squares equal circles." 

"That doesn't even make sense!!" Logan yelled. "It does if you consider that semicircles are bisexual! AND that ovals and other shapes are ase, pan, and queer!" Roman yelled back. They were now on their feet ready to hit one another. I quickly got between them and pushed them back on the couch. 

"This conversation is pointless" Logan said "YOU'RE POINTLESS" Roman shot back. "That's Enough!!!" Virgil piped in. He grabbed princey by the arm and began to pull him towards the front door. "We are going to get coffee" Virgil said. "Take care of Logan" Virgil called back as he and Roman left the house. Logan seemed to slouch slightly now that Princey was gone. 

I went up to him and sat down on his lap he looked up at me, he seemed tired. I looked at him and seemingly reading his mind I said "You're not pointless Lo" I then kissed him, which he returned happily. We broke apart a few moments later, "I've been yelling at people too much" he said. I nodded in agreement, just last week he was yelling at Janus for summoning a few snakes in Virgils bathroom.

I kissed him again and when we stopped, I whispered to him "Maybe Roman had a point about the shapes" "FALSEHOOD" Logan screeched, standing up suddenly. Knocking me off of his lap, he then sulked his way up to his room while I was left laughing on the floor. I took out my phone and texted Virgil to get me a coffee as well. I need it.


In this conversation I was Roman. Who do you agree with?


                                                        - Livi

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