My Sanders sides Head-canons

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I feel like all the sides can play an instrument, 

Deceit/Janus plays piano and he taught Virgil how to play the piano when Virgil was a "dark" side. Roman plays guitar, I don't know why, but I think I just like the idea because he can speak Spanish. Logan can play violin, like Sherlock Holmes can in the BBC show. I feel like Patton can play ukulele, because a lot of heartfelt songs that I know can and should be played on uke. 

I don't know if Remus would have the patience to learn an instrument... But maybe.

Anxciet (Deceit x Virgil) used to be a thing, but they broke up, which made Virgil leave for the light sides. Forming Prinxiety (Roman x Virgil), and Demus (Deceit x Remus). So they both went to their (light or dark) sides twin.

Deceit totally has scales on other parts of his body.

I ship Analogical the most. I ship Patton x Remus the least.

I think the next side that will be revealed will be a dark side that represents confliction, his color will be orange (completing the rainbow), not to mention that orange is the most conflicting color anyway. The orange side could be what is causing Thomas to have all of his issues, hence the Sanders sides series.

All of the "dark" sides have black in their color schemes right? Well who else has black in their color scheme? LOGAN DOES, and if my theory above this one is wrong... then this is something that I like to think about.... Maybe Logan was once a dark side, and the orange side was a light side, but Logan took his place. Hence the black coloring.

Adding on to the "Logan was a dark side" theory, we have seen that Logan can calm down and make the other dark sides less intimidating. We have also seen that Logan has considered some of the darker things in life, a lot more than Roman and Patton have. This is probably incorrect, but what if it's not....



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