But as he was getting up, Taehyung pulled at him shirt.

"D-dada i-ish l-leaving T-Taetae?"

The younger asked, now facing him, eyes still shut.

The broken voice, in which the younger spoke in, broke his heart.

How could even Taehyung thing that he was going to leave him?

The younger had come to be someone very precious and dear to him now.

EVen if Taehyung himself asked him to leave him now, he wasn;t sure uf he would be able to do it.

Yes, that is how whipped and smitten he was for the younger over the span of a week.

So Jungkook, carefully ran a hand threw the younger's head, trying to assure him that he still loved him to death and wasn't planning to leave him.

"B-baby. D-dada will be back in a minute. He needs to get blankies for Taetae."

"N-no. D-Dada s-stay."

Taehyung whined, not letting go of Jungkook's shirt.

Jungkook bit his lip, thinking what to do.

To get the younger warmer, he needed to go get the blankets, but Taehyung wasn;t ready to let go of him.

So Jungkook tried another tactic.

"T-Taetae? Don't you want your TaTa plushie?"

But Taehyung's reply surprised him.

"T-Taetae d-dont w-want T-Tata. O-only D-dada"

But Taehyung always wanted his Tata plushie whenever he was in little space, especially if he was upset or sad or scared.

But now he insisted on having Jungkook here over Tata.

That really meant that Taehyung had started to completely accept Jungkook as his caregiver.

Jungkook just stayed frozen in place for a minute, lost what to do. How could he convince Taehyung to let go of him only for a minute, just to get the blankets to warm him up.

He didn't want the younger to fall sick. That would be terrible.

Then Taehyung whined again, with a pout, eyes still shut closed tightly.

"D-dada m' c-cold. W-wan c-cuddlies."

Jungkook cooed at the younger's whining.


That would solve both of their problems.

Jungkook wouldn't have to leave Taehyung alone on the bed and Taehyung would get warmed up better by Jungkook's body heat.

So Jungkook carefully lifted the duvet, not getting much of the outside, cooler air to get into the duvet and slipped under it carefully.

Slipping his arm under Taehyung's waist, he wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, hugging him tightly.

Taehyung sighed in content before nuzzling his nose in to the crook of the older's neck, inhaling his comforting scent. A small smile spread across his lips as he realized that he was in his Dada's arms.

That meant he was safe now and his Dada had not left him after all.

He had come and found his baby.

His Taetae.

Only Dada's babyboy.

So Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, and looked up towards Jungkook, whose face was buried in Tae's hair.


He whispered, not wanting to disturb if he was sleeping.

Though he didn't think he was sleeping cause he'd just slipped into bed a few minutes ago.

Who falls asleep in minutes of falling into bed anyway?

Jungkook pulled his head back a bit to look at his baby's face properly.

"Yes babyboy?"

Taehyung pouted his lips a bit, before stuttering,

"D-dada won't l-leave T-Taetae e-evel?"

Jungkook sighed. He was so disappointed in himself.

He made his baby think that he will leave him.

He had to make him believe that he will never ever leave him, unless Taehyung himself yells at him to leave.

In such a short time, he had become attached to the younger.

So he took Taehyung's face between his palms, and stared deep into the younger's wide and innocent brown eyes.

"Baby. Always remember that Dada loves you. He'll never ever leave you. He loves his angel so much that no one can take him away from you okay?"

But then why did he not come and save Taetae, when he needed his Dada the most?

Pouting even more, he looked up into Jungkook's eyes and said,

"O-otay D-dada. B-but TaeTae w-was s-scawed a-and D-dada n-no come?"

Jungkook sighed, pulling his hand up to gently stroke the younger's soft bread cheeks.

"Even if I can't come for some reason, it's because something is stopping Dada from coming to you, or Dada doesn't know you need him okay?"

"B-but D-dada, T-TaeTae called for D-dada s-shoo m-many t-times, B-but D-Dada nevel came."

Jungkook frowned at that as he said,

"But baby, you weren't even supposed to go into that room. I couldn't have even heard you from anywhere in the house."

"B-but T-Taetae d-didun m-mean t-to. J-just a-angwy a-at D-dada."

Taehyung pouted as he spoke. He was just angry at his Dada for teasing him so much. So he wanted Dada to come find him.

"But baby, Dada had clearly told you not to go there before right?"

Jungkook said, looking sternly at Taehyung, trying not to coo at his puppy eyes.

He really needed to learn not to fall for those puppy eyes every single time.

Taehyung nodded his head meekly, as he mumbled.

"S-sowwie d-dada."

Jungkook sighed heavily as he pulled Taehyung even closer to him, softly pressing a kiss to the younger's forehead.

"Tae baby. I think we need a set of rules and punishments."



ay ay its me

i was wondering after all these years if youre still here

anygays im sorrryyyyyyy

ik i havent updated in almost a month but yk life goes on and it never stops and i guess i got caught up

im still not making promises for regular updates but ill try my best

also im sorry for the missing carlos references that yall love :o

till then

stay safe

stay gold

xoxo vi

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