Chapter 4

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(Ze's POV)

I woke up, smiling at my good fortunes. I only smiled more when I realized that I was still sleeping right next to Chilled, my arm wrapped around his waist. I carefully removed my hand from his waist, and went downstairs to cook some breakfast.

I decided to cook pancakes, so I got out the mix, added the water, and then started frying pancakes, humming different songs as I did so. I then decided to also take out some bacon and cook that as well. I took the bacon out of the fridge, and started frying it in the pan.

As I was flipping the pancake, I felt two strong arms wrap around me, and I turned around, seeing Chilled, with his messy brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Morning Ze." He said, kissing me on the cheek. "Making breakfast again?"

"Yeah." I said, flipping the bacon as I did so, "Pancakes and bacon."

"Anything I can do to help?" Chilled asked, removing his arms from around me.

"Yeah." I said, looking over to him. "Can you grab the butter and syrup and put them on the table?"

"Sure." He said. He then grabbed the butter and syrup, put them both on the table, and poured us both two glasses of milk. I brought the pancakes and bacon over on two plates, one for both of us. I put one of the plates in front of Chilled, before setting the other one in front of my own spot, and sitting down.

We ate breakfast pretty quietly, occasionally making conversation, when Chilled asked, "What shall we do today Ze? It's much cooler outside today."

"I don't know." I said, clearing my plate away, putting it into the dishwasher. "What do you think?"

"Well..." he said, thinking, "After last night, I would like to ask you on a full day date."

"That sounds..." I said, hoping that what I wanted the answer to be was the answer he wanted. "Amazing. I'll let you keep the details to yourself, just tell me what I will need."
"Well, for most of the day, you can wear normal clothes." He said, smiling at me. "But later on, I want to go out to a fancy restaurant, so we will have to come back and change later."

"Ok Chilly Willy!" I said, kissing him deeply before getting ready for the day.

After he and I were both ready, I let him drive us to our first destination of the day, which turned out to be an amusement park.

We ended up buying $40 worth of tickets, and we spent most of the morning and afternoon there. We rode all of the rides there, but one of my favorite ones was the haunted house ride. The ride was mainly my favorite because I love scary things, but Chilled was pretty scared, and had his face buried in my chest for most of the ride. I had wrapped my arm around him, to reassure him that it was ok. We also spent a lot of money on food and different little gifts.

After the amusement park, we got back into the car, and headed to the arcade. It was really exciting, as Chilled and I worked together, and played a ton of games. Also, with each game we played, we earned a ton of tickets, that we then were able to use at the end to buy some pretty huge prizes. I ended up getting some new games for my Xbox one, and Chilled got some games for his Xbox one as well. We played and played and played, and collected a ton of prizes, leaving the arcade with our arms full of prizes, and smiles on our faces.

Once we got home, we had a bit of time before our dinner reservation, so we decided to play some Garry's Mod TTT with Adam, Cathy, Max, GaLm, Smarty, and Tom, so we added them to a call, explained to Adam, Cathy, and Max why Chilled and I were in the same room, and we started playing. I was innocent, and I got incredibly lucky: Chilled was a detective! So I stayed close to Chilled, telling him that I would kill anyone he wanted gone so he didn't have to do it. Initially, Chilled didn't trust me, but after Adam came in, trying to kill both of us, and I shot Adam, Chilled trusted me. We then went on to win that round, and a few rounds after that where we were both innocents. On the final round, I looked down at my color: Traitor. 'Great.' I complained. 'Now I have to kill Chilled.' But, after I looked down at whom my fellow traitors were, I smiled. Chilled and I were on the same team! We stuck together, killing anyone who got near, and we ended up winning that round as traitors together.

After that round, we bid our friends farewell, and ended the call.

"Let's get ready to go out!" Chilled said, grabbing his suit and going into the bathroom. I just changed in our bedroom from my t-shirt and jeans to my black dress pants, white dress shirt, brown tie, and my black suit coat. As Chilled walked out of the bathroom, I sat in awe of his handsomeness. He was wearing tuxedo like me, but instead of a brown tie, he was wearing a green tie, like the color of my eyes. We walked out to the car, and drove over to the restaurant.

As we sat down, I still couldn't believe that Chilled had really loved me like he did. I stared into his eyes, smiling. He smiled back, looking just as intensely into my eyes.


(Chilled's POV)

I really didn't care what I ordered at the restaurant. I was with Ze, and that was all that mattered to me. As the waiter came over, Ze ordered some pasta dish, and I ordered spaghetti, one of my favorite foods. As we waited for food, we talked about all sorts of things.

Once our food came, I was very impressed. My spaghetti was delicious, as Ze reminded me by tasting my food himself. I then helped myself to his food, and it was very delicious as well. We finished eating, and once the bill came, Ze said that he had it, and to treat this as a first date. At that comment, I smiled, amazed at how lucky I was to land someone like Ze on even a first date. We walked out of the restaurant, holding hands.

As we got to the car, Ze followed me toward the driver's side of the car, but instead of getting in, he pushed me up against the car and began kissing me deeply. I simply melted into his kiss, as we fought for dominance. He won, and he began nibbling at my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I granted him it, and he explored my whole mouth, earning quite a few moans from me. Once we pulled apart, Ze went back over to the other side of the car, and we headed home.

Once we got home, we changed out of our tuxedos into some shorts and t-shirts. We then snuggled up together on his couch under a few blankets, and watched a horror movie. I was really scared throughout a lot of it, and luckily, Ze was right there for me, allowing me to bury my face into his chest, and he wrapped his arm around me. I was completely relaxed by his embrace, and he made me a little less scared during the movie. After the first movie, I looked at Ze and said "Should I make us some popcorn?"

"That sounds good!" Ze said, smiling. I got up, and made some of my specialty popcorn for Ze and I as he picked out another horror film. During this horror film, I continued to bury my face into his chest when it got really scary, which Ze didn't seem to mind. During the movie, Ze continued to kiss my forehead, and I smiled at my luck. I still couldn't believe that the one guy I had wanted for the longest time loved me back and wanted to be with me forever. As the movie finished, we sat on the couch, stuck in a tight embrace with each other. Finally, I yawned, as did Ze, and we decided to call it a night. We both stripped down to our boxers, and hopped into bed.

But on this night, I decided that I was going to wrap my arm around Ze, and he allowed me to, pushing himself closer to me. I wrapped my arm around his waist, and I drifted off to sleep, smiling the entire time.


(Ze's POV)

As Chilled wrapped his arm around my waist, I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. I slid myself closer to him on the bed, wanting to be near him. As I slowly drifted off to sleep, thoughts of my future with Chilled danced through my head, each one more pleasant than the last.



Thanks for sticking with me through this story so far! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday: my grandparents just arrived, so we spent the entire day together. Please forgive me! I hope you continue to enjoy this story! There will be a second chapter later on today to make up for the lack of updates yesterday. Thanks for reading, and keep on being awesome!


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