Chapter 3

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(Time skip to one month later)

(Ze’s POV)

It had been one month since Chilled had come and stayed with me, and it had been the best month of my life. I woke up happier every day, happier that Chilled had stayed, and hadn’t gone back home to New York.

On this particular August day, it had reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and it was hot! I turned on the AC as soon as I got up, sweating because of the heat and humidity. After I had woke up, I had set about making a perfect breakfast for Chilled and I. I whisked eggs and put them into a pan, the sizzling noise combining with the growl of my stomach. I had made the eggs into omelets, and put some bacon on when Chilled stumbled downstairs, wearing only his boxer shorts. ‘He looks so amazing like that!’ my brain began to think, before I shooed the thought away, and handed Chilled an omelet.

“Morning.” I said to Chilled, as I took my omelet and sat down.

Chilled sat across from me, sweating as well. “Is it really hot outside today?” he asked, looking at me.

“Yeah. It’s reaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit today.” I replied, taking a bite of my omelet. ‘This omelet is pretty good.’ I thought to myself, complimenting my excellent cooking.

Chilled looked over at me, having ate half of his omelet. “This is good. You are a great cook Ze!” he said, smiling at me.

I smiled back. “I try, but I can only cook a few things well.”

“Well, you can cook omelets well!” Chilled replied, eating another bite of omelet. He continued on, “What’s the plan today Ze? It seems pretty hot outside.”

“Well...” I started, looking over at Chilled, “We could go in my pool, if you want. It’s pretty private, so no one is going to bother us.”

“That sounds like a great idea!” Chilled said, relieved at the suggestion. “That would be a great way to cool off!”

We finished our breakfast, and changed into our swim bottoms. Chilled ran out the patio door, and jumped into the pool, causing a huge splash. I followed him, jumping in right after him.

The cold water was like icy needles on my skin, but as I got used to the water, it was a welcome cool feeling from the heat outside. I began just swimming around, but as soon as I got near Chilled, he flashed his diabolical smile at me, before he began splashing me.

“Oh you’re on!” I shouted, before beginning to splash Chilled back. We continued to splash each other for a long while, each of us wanting to gain an edge on the other. We took a break to eat some lunch, and after lunch, Chilled challenged me to a diving contest, which I obviously took up.

Chilled went first. He did a huge setup before diving gracefully into the pool. “I give that a 10 out of 10! Very well done!”

Chilled smiled at me. “Well, I am pretty perfect...” he said, gloating a little, before swimming a little ways back, and giving me a chance to dive.

I setup for the dive, and then did a 360 turn, before diving gracefully into the pool. As I came up for air, Chilled was clapping for me. “I give it a 9.5 out of 10! It was pretty good, but needed a little less splash.” He said, right before he splashed me. “I did totally beat you!!! I’m the diving champion!” he added, before I began to splash him with water again.

“Rematch? Ok then!” Chilled shouted, before splashing me again.

We continued our splashing fight until after dark. Once darkness hit, we decided to light a few candles and turn the colored lights on so we could see each other better.

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