Chapter 19

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(Amanda's POV -Whattt)

"WEE! START RACE WOOOSH!" came over the headphones connected to my laptop as Chilled Chaos filled the screen.

I sat down, smiling as I heard the voices of the Derp Crew and became quite a bit calmer like I always did.

Let me back up and explain. My mom died when I was really young, and once my mom died, my dad put me up for adoption and left me, but he didn't leave me alone. My younger sister, Julia, was also left with me. She's 3 years younger than me, and I'm 13 now.

I've been in this adoption house for as long as I can remember, and so has Julia. We requested that they don't separate us if they can help it, and they agreed. I found the Derp Crew just a few months back, and already I watch all 5 of their perspectives whenever I can, which isn't as often as before because as one of the older kids there, it's my job to help care for and keep track of the younger ones. As well, once I start watching, Julia comes and watches with me.

(back to story)

I had just got to the Derp Crew picking what kind of set of races they were going to do when Julia ran over to me and sat right next to me. I handed her one of the headphones, and we just watched it together.

After we watched the video, it was dinner time. I sat next to my really good friends, Bel, Jamie, Maddy, and Jackson, and with Julia right near my side. We ate dinner together, and then it was time to finish homework.

Julia was working on an English essay on my computer, Bel and I were trying to finish math homework, Jackson and Jamie were working on a science lab write-up, and Maddy was reading for her literature class. We all made small talk whilst we were doing our homework, but for the most part, we stuck to finishing our homework.

Once we were done with our homework, we watched more Derp Crew videos, before the headmistress called for bedtime. She told us to get some good sleep because people were coming tomorrow to look into adopting.

I got into my bed, and after laying there fir a little bit, Julia crawled into bed with me.

I dreamed of being adopted. One of my adopted parents had green eyes in my dream, and the other one had brown eyes.

I fell asleep questioning.


Oooooooooo new people! Many thanks to @Baby_Delirious for the OC! Hope you guys enjoy, this story is almost to 50 parts, woahhh.

Thanks for reading, and keep on being amazing!

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