Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to GirlyCrafter26 for being so supportive of this story! You guys should all check them out!!!

Let's get to today's update!


(Ze's POV)

I woke up to something around my waist. Once I was fully awake, I realized that I somehow ended up in our bed, and Chilled wrapped his arm around my waist.

I woke Chilled up with a kiss, saying "Good morning babe."

"Good morning babe." he replied, kissing me again.

We both cuddled closer to each other, wanting to go back asleep, but we were shaken awake by what sounded like a foghorn, followed by the daily announcements. The daily announcements basically just talked about all of the different things to do today, because today was a day at sea.

Once the announcements were over, Chilled and I got ready to go to breakfast, and then the pool. On our way down, we caught up with GaLm, Smarty, Tom, Minx, Krism, Adam, Max, Slam, Ohm, and Nogla. We all went down to breakfast together.

Once we had finished breakfast, all of us were already ready to go to the pool. We all climbed into the elevator, and we went up to the pool level.

The pool level had three huge pools, connected by little river-like channels. Farther back on the deck there was a huge hot tub, with a mix-bar connected onto the hot tub.

Our entire group decides to get in the pool. Once we are in the pool, we are just swimming peacefully, Chilled right near me, when someone begins splashing. That's when our entire group starts splashing each other. A few fans see us, and join in on the splash fight, backing up their favorite YouTuber(s).

Once we are all exhausted from the splash fight, Chilled and I decide to go into the hot tub. Interestingly, there was no one in the hot tub: there was just the bartender in the mix-bar.

We sat in one corner, my arm around Chilled, and his arm around mind. We were sitting, enjoying the peace, when GaLm, Tom and Smarty came into the hot tub. The five of us decided to just talk about all sorts of things, enjoying the peace: GaLm's arm was around Smarty, and Chilled's and my arms were around each other.

Tom seemed to be in the conversation, but he was kind of gazing off. When I followed his gaze, I saw this girl with blonde hair and blue eyes hanging by the pool-Tom couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of her! I made a mental note to talk to him about it later.


(Chilled's POV)

Once we were tired of sitting in the hot tub, we realized it was almost lunch time. We got out of the hot tub, and went to our rooms to get showered and changed.

Once the five of us were changed and ready to go, we went to the main buffet for lunch. We all got lunch and grabbed a huge table, thinking our group would probably join us.

As soon as we sat down, Adam, Sark, Hutch, Max, Minx, Krism, Ohm, and a few others all walked into the buffet. As soon as they saw us waving them over, they all came over and sat down. We were in the middle of lunch when I heard someone behind me, asking "Excuse me, I'm so so sorry for interrupting, but do you guys think I could get a picture with you?"

I turned around to see the girl with blonde hair and blue eyes that we saw earlier-the one, according to Ze, that Tom couldn't keep his eyes off of.

We all readily agreed to a photo, and told her she could sit down right next to Tom. We had my dad take the picture.

Once he took the picture, I saw Minx digging in her big bag....she pulled out a light blue shirt. On the front, it said "The Crew" and the back was completley blank. Minx knew that Tom was interested in this girl, so she said to the girl "Would you like us to sign a shirt for you? We have time." The girl looked over at her, and her jaw dropped, as she said "Really? That would be so cool!"

"Can I ask your name?" Minx asked the girl, as she was signing the shirt.

"I'm Christy." the girl said, a huge smile on her face that wouldn't be wiped off for anything.

Minx handed the shirt around the entire table, and everyone signed the shirt. The shirt ended up at Tom. Once Tom signed it, he handed her the shirt with a small piece of paper.

Christy was so smiley and giggly as she went back over to another table with people we assumed to be her friends.

"Someone's got a crush!" I said, looking at Tom. Everyone turned and said "oooooo" as Tom just blushed.

We finished eating lunch, and decided to head back to the arcade. We played at the arcade until dinner.

During dinner, Tom was on his phone for a little part of it, texing who I could only guess was Christy. We ate dinner pretty quietly, talking a little but not much.

The Derp Crew decided to go back up to the pool deck to watch the night movie after dinner. The movie was, much to my excitement, The Lego Movie.

Ze and I cuddled up together. To our right, GaLm and Smarty were cuddled together. To my left, I saw Tom looking around, and then I saw Christy walking over and sitting near Tom. I could tell Tom wasn't paying 100% attention to the movie because he was paying attention to Christy, who was also paying attention to him.

Once the movie was over, everyone turned in for bed. Ze and I made out for a little while before beginning to talk. We were talking to each other until we both fell asleep in each other's arms.



I'm in the story!!! Wooaaaahhhhh! I hope you guys enjoyed this update, and I hope you're all enjoying this story so far!

I can't believe there are over 16,200 views on this story! The introduction for this story has offer 1,000 views itself, as does the Author's Note, and Chapter 1 is at over 900 views! That's crazy!!! You guys are so awesome for putting up with me consistently-I can't thank you all enough!

I love you all so much, from the bottom of my heart. If any of you ever want to talk, I'm here! I'll always be here for you guys!

I wouldn't be alive today without you guys-I forever owe each and every one of you for saving my life. All of you reading, voting and commenting have made such a big difference-Thank you all.


P.S. Note!!!!

Guys, I need your help with something. I've been looking for a name to call you guys, but I'm stumped! Can you guys leave suggestions below? My current ideas are:

-Christy's Clan

-Christy's Crowd

-The Christy Army

I don't honestly know! I want to hear what you guys think for ideas down below! My favorite gets a follow (if I'm not already following), and a shoutout in my books! Thanks so much guys!


Thanks for reading, and keep on being amazing!


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