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*Chilled's POV*

Hi. I'm Anthony, aka Chilled.

It had been a long week. I invited Jess over one afternoon, when all of a sudden he Skype-called me. He always could make me smile, even if I was upset, and didn't want to talk to anyone.

But that call was ill-timed.

Jess turned around as she heard the sound of the skype call. She looked at who it was, and sighed.

I looked at her. "What's wrong?" I said, having not noticed the noise. But as soon as I heard the noise, my eyes lit up like the night sky. Jess groaned at me.

"Chilled.....we need to talk...." she said quietly.

Thirty minutes later, I sat on my couch, crying. I had just lost Jess, probably for the rest of my life. I heard the Skype call ring once again, and I got up, and answered the call, and I saw Steven's, aka Ze's bright and smiling face looking back at me.

"Hey Man!" Ze said, smiling!


*Ze's POV*

"Hey Man!" I said, smiling. "Where have you been? I've been trying to call you for thirty minutes!" I said, as I saw Chilled shed a few tears. "Chilly Willy, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything." I added, smiling at my longtime best friend.

Chilled wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "It's Jess...............She left me." He said, grinning weakly

I looked at him concerned. "Chilled, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm paying for tickets to send you down here.....I want to keep an eye on you." I said, giving him my Ze grin.

"Really?" Chilled replied, smiling. "When and where?" he said, flashing his diabolical smile. God I loved that smile! Wait Ze, keep it together. He was with Jess.......he would never feel the same way about you, that you feel about him. Ze sighed quietly, and refocused on the camera. We discussed the details for a half hour, and we finally had a plan. Chilled would be visiting in two weeks!! I could barely contain my excitement as we were in the call together.


*Chilled's POV*

'Two weeks!?!' I thought to myself, smiling. 'Two weeks could not go by fast enough!'

As I thought about it, I thought about the trip, Jess, our relationship, how long away the trip was, the fact that I would live there with Ze.....Ze, Ze... His emerald green eyes always shined bright with excitement and curiosity, and that half-smirk that Ze always gave me made me feel so happy inside...

'Wait Chilled.' a voice inside of me said 'You were just with Jess. Are you saying you love Ze now? How can this be? He probably doesn't even feel the same way about you.'
I sighed, and continued on my day, yet was surprisingly happy.

(time skip to the night after he found out about the news)

'Well, time for bed!' I told myself as I got ready for bed and fell asleep rather quickly, which was shocking. I don't remember much of my beginning dreams, but I know Ze entered my dreams at one point.

(entering dream)

"Ze?" I call out, seeing him standing right in front of me. "Is that you?"

"Chilly Willy!" he exclaimed as he ran over to me, hugging me. "I'm glad to see you here buddy!"

"But where exactly is...." 'here?' I finished in my head as he hugged me. I pulled him in closer.

"I love you Chilled." he said, smiling at me.

I simply replied by kissing him. It felt so right, it felt so good, I knew he was the one....

(end dream)

I woke up in a happy mood kissing my pillow. 'Well, it must have been a dream.' I say to my self, crestfallen.


(Time skip to ten days later)

*Ze's POV*

It had been ten days since he agreed to come stay with me, and he was all I could think about, both during the day and at night. His mischievous look, his diabolical smile, his Italianness...........................'But alas' I told myself. 'He would never feel the same way about you.' With that, I became much sadder. I decided to start cleaning up the house a little to prepare for Chilled. I cleaned up everything, brought out a second bed (just in case this didn't go the way as I expected), and went shopping to get food and movies and new games. I went outside, and groaned '92 degrees again?' (A/N: The setting is in summer)

I drove to the store, still thinking about Chilled, smiling the whole way there.


*Chilled's POV*

(Time skip two days later)

Two more days until I would be with Ze. Most of my stuff had already been boxed up and either sold or shipped off to my new place with Ze. heart started racing at the thought of him, and his adorable self.......... 'Chilled, keep it together, you know he probably doesn't love you in that way.......'

But still, I couldn't help but smile.



Hello readers! It was a pretty cut off ending, but I hope you enjoyed the intro to my first ever fanfic, and first ever ZeRoyalChaos fanfic. I hope to keep updating this on a regular basis, but I don't have a set schedule yet. See you later, and keep being amazing! :)


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