Chapter 11

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Hey guys!!

Thank you once again for 8000 views!! You guys have made my story a very popular one, and I appreciate it so much!!! You guys make me so happy all of the time, no matter what you do!! Thank you all so much!

UPDATE: Thanks for 9000 views!!! I really appreciate it!

This chapter is dedicated to MeganM1114 for being a very amazing person and for being very inspirational in the comments!

Let's get to the update!


(Time skip to the day before Thanksgiving)

(Chilled's POV)

I'M SO EXCITED!!! We're hosting the Derp Crew and the Crew over for Thanksgiving!!!

Ze and I had been planning this for a few months now, and everything was going to be perfect.

We had the dining room all set up for all of our close friends, and we had all sorts of games ready for when they all got here.

The day our friends were arriving, I got up early, took a shower, and started to clean up our house. I was making some breakfast when Ze woke up, and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

"Are you ready for all of our friends?" Ze said, smiling at me.

"Of course I am!" I replied, pecking him on the lips before seperating from our embrace.

After we finished cleaning up the house, Ze and I got into our two cars, and headed off to the airport.


(Ze's POV)

Once we got to the airport, we waited for all of our friends to show up. Our first friend to show up was GaLm. He showed up off of his plane with his camera out, just like always. We then waited for our other friends.

Next to show up was Smarty and Tom. They both came over and joined us, as we waited for the rest of the crew.

We then met up with Minx, Seananners, Uncle Slam, Ohm, and Gassy. We all decided to go out for lunch and shopping before heading home. We split the cars so that it was:

Chilled, GaLm, Smarty, Tom, and Ohm, and

Gassy, Uncle Slam, Seananners, Minx, and myself.

We all headed to Olive Garden for lunch. The waitress looked at us a little funny when we said table for 10, but she led us to our table. While we were waiting for our food, we all caught up, as most of us recorded the lunch on our cameras, surprise surprise.

After Olive Garden, we headed shopping for a few things, and we then decided to head home. Once we got home, we immediately split off into a 3 xbox Halo competition (LAN). We were in teams of two. The teams were:

Chilled and myself

Minx and Ohm

Gassy and Adam

Uncle Slam and Tom, and

GaLm and Smarty.

We played for 3 hours, and at the end, Chilled and I ended up winning!!! "I guess the power of #ZeRoyalChaos is real!" I said, excited.

"Of course." Chilled replied, kissing me.

After we finished the tournament, we ordered pizza and began a movie marathon.

The morning after, I woke up to see all 10 of us laying in the living room. Like always, I had my arm wrapped around Chilled. I got up quietly, and began preparing, since today was Thanksgiving.

I began to pull out all of the ingredients for the Thanksgiving dinner. Soon, everyone began to wake up and helped me with the dinner in between getting a shower. Once everyone was dressed, and everything was as prepped as we could get it for dinner, we played a huge game of Monopoly-it was chaotic. Chilled won, surprise, surprise. I guess that never changes.

We finally sat down to eat Thanksgiving dinner, and everyone looked ot me to say grace. I began, a little shaky at first:

"Thank you for everything. From a very supportive family, to amazing friends, to a drop-dead amazing boyfriend, everything is amazing. I'm so thankful, and so happy that I could spend Thanksgiving with all of you. Thank you for this amazing food we all helped prepare, and let's dig in!!"

Everyone agreed, so we all dug in. I looked around at all of my friends, and took a second to reflect on everything. I had extremely supportive friends, a great family, and a boyfriend that was there for me no matter what. It seems like I have everything I need.



Thank you all for reading again!! I appreciate all of your guys's feedback every week, no matter what! You guys have brought me to where I am, and I wouldn't change anything for the world-you guys are the greatest!! I'm so thankful for every single one of you. Thank you all so much!

Thanks for reading, and keep on being amazing!

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