Chapter 2

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(Chilled's POV)

(Entering nightmare)

Normally in my nightmares, I would see Ze and Jess both siting there, and they would be talking to each other before slowly fading to darkness.

But this nightmare was different.

I woke up by myself, completly covered in darkness.Then, I slowly saw figures coming into view, each one dragging another. I saw five hooded figures show up, each one dragging a person. As they looked up at me, I realized who they were................

Jess, Smarty, GaLm, Tom, and Ze.

Each one of them looked like they had just been through battle, with cuts and scrapes all over them. 

Before I could say anything, a hooded figure came up behind me, and held me still. He said, in his cold voice:

"Chose who we murder or we'll choose for you,"

I sat there, trying to comprehend what he was saying, but he then pulled a gun to my head, and I saw the five other figures do the same.

"No way!" I said, crying. "I'm not going to let you kill my friends!"

"Try and stop us." The figure said, laughing at me, before motioning to the others.

One by one, they took their shots.





The final figure stopped, teasing me with the notion of Ze's death.

"STOP IT!!!!" I screamed. "DON'T KILL HIM!!"

"Chilled..........." I heard his voice begin to say

"Yes Ze?" I said, anxious to hear what he had to say,

"I................I.......................I.............." he began to say to me, as the fifth figure shot him.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed, turning toward the figure. "Why?"

"It had to be done." The figure said, before shooting me.

(end nightmare)

I woke up in a cold sweat, screaming.

Ze got up as well. Dang, I forgot how light of a sleeper he was.

"Was it a nightmare?" he asked, concerned.

I nodded, still shaking from it. I had been able to tell him about these before, but I needed to stop tremmoring before that could happen.

"Well, if you want........." he said, before lifting his covers up. "I don't mind."

I sat there, dumbfounded for a second, before nodding and crawling in.


(Ze's POV)

I moved over to allow Chilled to crawl in and lay down next to me. I couldn't help but smile as he laid down next to me.

As soon as he was laying next to me, I realized that he had relaxed dramatically and he had fallen asleep almost instantly. I couldn't help but smile about what happened.

Little did I realize, I had wrapped my arm around him, cuddling with him a little.

I drifted off to sleep, happier than ever.

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