Chapter 21 (The real final chapter)

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Did you guys really think I was leaving you on that sad chapter? I told you I was writing to 50 parts, this is part 50 LOL. How many of you did I fool?? Raise those hands :P .

On to the final chapter of the story!


(Ze's POV)

As I was staring into the screen, lost and confused about the dream I had, I began to hear my name.

But the weird thing was, it wasn't from my house, and it wasn't from Skype either. I looked at Skype again, and realized Galm, Tom, Smarty and Chilled were all frozen, none of them were moving anymore.

"ZE! ZE! ZEEEEEEE!" was all I could hear, before I blacked out.

"ZE! ZE! COME ON BUDDY, WAKE UP!" was the next thing I heard. I woke up somewhere else, and it was the middle of the night. Someone was holding me.

I looked over, and realized it was Chilled. I began crying again, holding him really tightly.

"Ze, what happened buddy? You were screaming and crying in your sleep." Chilled said, holding me tightly, a concerned look on his face.

"I....I...I had a...a....a.. nightmareeeee." I said in between sobs, taking in Chilled and the rest of the room around us.

There was a knock at our bedroom door, and Amanda and Julia came in, worried about is. "Is everything alright?" She asked us, Julia holding her hand, both of them looking just as concerned as Chilled did.

"Amanda, Julia, it's alright sweeties, he just had a bad dream, it's ok." Chilled replied, letting go of me to go and give them both a hug. "Go back to sleep you two, it's very late."

Amanda nodded tiredly and went with Julia off to bed. Chilled closed our door, and came back to me, hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead. "Do you want to talk about it buddy?" Chilled said, letting me wrap my arms around him again.

"I was in my house, alone. It was only me, you called on Skype and you were there, Galm was there, Smarty was there and Tom was there. But none of you were the same. Galm and Smarty weren't together, and Christy didn't walk behind Tom's cam like she always would, and you weren't with me. Amanda wasn't here, Julia wasn't here, it was just me, confused in my own mind."

"Awwwww Zee." Chilled said, hugging me even tighter, if that was possible. "I'm sorry baby, it's ok, you're ok, I'm ok, we're together, we're both here, Amanda is here, Julia is here, Galty is a thing, Christy and Tom are together. It's ok buddy."

I moved one of my hands away from Chilled so I could see it, and there was my engagement ring and wedding band, sitting comfortably on my hand.

Little by little I calmed down, Chilled rubbing my back and holding me tightly. Once I'd calmed down a bit, Chilled gave me a kiss and said "Go get some sleep, it's late." I turned over, trying to sleep, and Chilled then wrapped his arms around me again, holding me close to him.

I fell asleep peacefully.


(A few weeks later - Chilled's POV)

"OMG WE HAVE TO GET THE HOUSE CLEAN QUICKLY!!! AHHH" Ze exclaimed, trying to do 400000000 things at once. We had planned a get together with Galm, Smarty, Delirious, Vanos, Tom, Christy, Ohm and Cayla, and their newest additions to their family, and Ze (for some crazy reason) was running around like a fool, trying to make our house completely human-free, or so it seemed.

"Ze buddy, calm down. How can we help you?" I said, Amanda and Julia standing near me. The three of us managed to calm Ze down enough to get him to speak calmly and not in a bunch of rushed screams. We all cleaned the house together, and by the time Vanos, Delirious, and Bel got here (they were the first to arrive), we were all ready for them. Bel, Amanda and Julia all went and played console video games, and Ze, Vanos, Delirious and I all were just chatting, waiting for the rest to arrive. 

Galm and Smarty were the next two to arrive, and along with them came Maddy. Maddy went and joined Bel, Amanda and Julia, while Ze, Vanos, Delirious, Galm and Smarty all went to our huge dining room table to play games on our laptops.

Christy, Tom, Ohm and Cayla all came together, along with Jackson and Jamie. We greeted them all, and Tom and Ohm went to join the group at the dining room table, Jackson and Jamie went and joined Bel, Maddy, Amanda and Julia, and Christy, Cayla and I set out to make some kind of lunch for everyone.

We all ate food, played games, and had a lot of fun, and I saw something in all of those kids faces, something I didn't see when I had seen them all in the orphanage.

I saw hope, and I saw love.

I was taking a lot of photos, and posting them to Twitter, to the delight of our followers. The final picture I took was with Ze, and we decided to take a kissing photo.

So we kissed and took a selfie kissing, and I went to post it to Twitter. It asked me for what I wanted to caption it, and all I typed was




I still can't believe I managed to fool a couple of you! I wouldn't leave the story there, that would be heartless (or would I ;) ). To be honest, this was the first story I began writing on Wattpad, I couldn't just make it a sad ending for you guys. When I started writing this book, I didn't know exactly what to expect. I didn't think many people would read it, but my (very few) friends at the start told me to write something, and kept encouraging me to continue. And all of a sudden (at least that's how it seems) so many of you began reading, voting and commenting on this story, I honestly can't believe it. I never expected this story to become as popular as it did, and I thank each and every one of you for that. You guys rock, and even if you aren't here reading this story anymore, I thank all of you who started reading this story back in the day, and all of you that have started reading it since. I can never thank you guys enough. This is the last chapter of this story I think, 50 parts is a nice amount of parts. There is a possibility of a sequel (maybe, if you guys really want one), but for now, I think I'm going to focus on some of my other stories. I hope you guys enjoyed this story, because I had a blast writing it.

Thanks for reading, and keep on being amazing!

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