The first Meeting of Lifelong Friends. Part 1

Start from the beginning

"We can't even allow you to meet others, they may bring this up and embarrass you."

"All of this is for your own good, get better."

Again and again his parents degraded his efforts and pushed him to strive for more, he had his heart crushed so many times by his parents, he just wanted to be praised once, said he did a good job, That they were proud. He just, just wanted to feel as if he was loved...

'Is that so much to ask?'
His child mind was just filled with such negative emotions, he stopped smiling altogether. Then the day of the birthday celebration came, he was dressed up and well cared, the maids felt that their young master was the most adorable boy they have ever seen, they took a photo crystal out and took many photos.

At that time Gabriel wondered where they even got the crystal, there was many of it, but it was in the expensive side, so he wouldn't think the maids would buy it and waste it on taking photos of him.

When he was presented in front of his parents, they nodded in approval, his father gently patting him in the head. "You look like a true noble."

"Yes, my son is the most adorable, your light mocha skin goes well with your light emerald and rose eyes, giving you a uniqueness that will gain others intrest."

Gabriel for the first time in a while felt something more than dissatisfaction and self hated, he felt joy of being praised by his parents, he looked up at them and smiled wide, his eyes twinkling with life and joy.

While seeing their son that way, both parents looked away, his father wrapping his arms in front of him, and her mother quickly bringing her fan up and covering her face.

Gabriel frowned sadly when he lost the small contact of his father patting his head and his mother smiling down at him warmly, distracted by that moment of sadness, he didn't notice his parents trembling hands, as if they were holding back about something.

"Cough, count, humph, let us go, we won't arrive in time if we stay any longer."
His father began walking in front and her mother quickly followed after, Gabriel only sighed and followed as well.

It was an hour long carriage ride, but his father had strong affiliation with spatial magic, he used a high tier teleportation to arrive just outside the city the palace resides in, the only reason for it, is because there is a checkpoint that they need to pass, because the central city has a barrier around it, the only way to teleport there, is if given a crystal that allows entrance without being blocked by the barrier.

They didn't have one, since they aren't a high noble, the checkpoints each have a crystal in their entrance, so that's why people can pass through.

Gabriel eyes shone like diamonds, he looked at his father in admiration and blurted out.

"I wanna learn such magic too! I can't wait when it's time to learn!"
Gabriel looked out the window in joy, imagining how strong he will be when he starts to train, he couldn't wait, but knew in a month more, he will start to practice magic with his tutors.

Whilst distracted by his imagination, he didn't notice his parents freezing up at his words, and glancing at each other in dismay and pain, they looked back at their only child and felt pity, yet guilt.

Half an hour later or so, they arrived in the inner gates of the main palace, the structure grand and majestic, the outer walls were as white as Pearls, they glistened with the lights of light crystals in long lamp poles, a grand carpet laid out so the guest can step on to enter through the grand doors.

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