Chapter 45

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3rd P.O.V:

Aiden watched as the Twins ran off. He could tell that the Cullens were in shock at what just happened. He sighed as he thought about the mess he had to clean up. He turned towards the forest and watched as Jackson walked out with the others.

"You're going to get in trouble, Aiden," Jackson said with a smirk. "When don't I?" Aiden asked as he turned towards the Cullens. The others rolled their eyes as they watched the Cullens with wary eyes.

Edward was the first to come out of his daze. "Who are you?" He asked as he looked at the unknown vampires. The Twin's guard looked at Aiden. He sighed and nodded as he walked towards the Cullens.

A red mist surrounded his hands crawled across the ground. It entered each of the Cullens heads and erased the Twin's guards from their minds. Once Aiden was done, he flashed over to Alice and Jasper.

He put one hand on each of them and copied their gifts. He did the same with Edward. Once he was done, he flashed out of the clearing with the rest of the guard. As he neared the house, Nathan attacked him.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking!" Nathan asked as he held Aiden down. "She needed us." Aiden gasped. "Brother, Aiden's right. We need to make sure what happened to Lorna and James doesn't happen to the Twins.

Aro will understand." Logan said as he put a hand on Nathan. "What I don't understand is how that vampire was able to get into the twin's house and then take Wanda." Katherine said as she helped her mate up.

"Who was on patrol last?" Jackson asked. "I was," Logan said. Nathan looked ready to attack Logan. "What's done is done. We will prepaid better for the future." Kathrine said as she looked at the brothers.

"I have guard duty. I'll see you later. Don't forget to grab some blood bags from the hospital." Aiden said as he took off towards the house. "I'll get the blood bags." Jackson said. "I'll go with you." Logan said.

Nathan and Katherine headed off towards the house. Logan grabbed Jackson's arm and teleported to the hospital. Once the two of them got there, they walked into the front door and walked up to the desk.

"Hello, Love. Would you take us to the blood storage room?" Jackson compelled the nurse. The nurse's eyes went emotionless but she smiled. "Of course. Right this way." The nurse said as she got up and led them to the storage room.

Logan smiled as he committed the room to memory. He needs something to base off of before he can teleport to it. "Thanks, Love. Now, forget that you brought us here and erase any footage of us off the cameras." Jackson compelled the nurse.

The nurse walked off and the two vampires started to collect blood bags. "Logan, port home and grab two backpacks." Jackson said as he looked through the blood. Logan nodded and teleported home.

He grabbed two black backpacks and then ported back to the blood room. He handed one bag to Jackson before filling his bag up with blood. Once the two of them were done, Logan teleported them home.

Katherine walked over to them and grabbed the two bags. "I'll put the blood away." She said as she flashed off. Jackson flashed away from his brother and headed downstairs. He opened the steel door and walked into a stone cell.

Three men were sitting on the ground. They were the three men that had been left alive when Edward and his siblings saved Wanda and Pietro. Jackson closed the door behind him and all that could be heard was their screams.

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