Chapter 18

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Wanda's P.O.V:

As soon as I was discharged, Edward offered me and Pietro a ride home. We rode in silence for most of the ride. All to soon, Pietro's leg tapping got on my nerves. "Pietro, can you please shut up? I have a headache." I asked as my head started to pound.

"Sorry, Vanda." Pietro said as he stilled. "It's fine. I just need some Advil." I said as I leaned back into the seat. I looked out the window and watched the world pass by. It had started to rain when we got into the car.

"Edward, thank you." I said. "For what?" Edward asked. "For saving me." I said. Edward glanced at me with worry in his eyes and asked, "Why aren't you asking me how I got to you so fast?" I looked at him fully and said, "Sometimes, the best mysteries are left unsolved." 

We drove in silence after that. As we arived at the house, Charlie's car pulled into the driveway. Pietro got our first and then moved to my door. As he opened it, he reached for my hand and gently pulled me from the car.

Charlie ran over to us and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." Charlie whispered into my ear. I smiled slightly at this. "Go inside and lay down." Charlie said. I nodded and turned back towards the Volvo.

Edward was looking at me through the windshield with a smile. I smiled slightly at him and gave a small wave. "Идем сестра. Мы должны идти внутрь. Тебе нужна еда и сон." Pietro said as he scooped me up into his arms. (Come sister. We must go inside. You need food and sleep.)

I nodded tiredly and leaned onto him. Sleep took over and I didn't try to fight it anymore. My body was tired. I needed sleep so I could heal faster. Even though Dr. Cullen said I was alright, I felt like my body was being pulled apart.

At this point, I let the darkness consume me. I felt Pietro lay me on the bed and felt him pull the covers around me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Goodnight, sister. Sleep well." Pietro said as he untangled himself from me.

Pietro's P.O.V:

As I untalented myself from my sister, I watched as her breathing slowed and she fell asleep. A smile touched my lips as I turned away from the bed and walked out of the room. I gently closed the door and walked down to the kitchen to grab a snack.

I saw Charlie sitting at the table eating leftovers. He looked up and saw me come down the stairs. "How are you holding up?" Charlie asked. I shook my head and started to tear up. "My twin nearly died today.

How do you think I feel?" I asked Charlie. Charlie looked down at the table and kept quiet after that. "I vish I vas there." I said. Just then, my phone rang. I looked down at the caller ID and saw that is said 'Crazy Papa.'

"I have to take this. I'll be right back." I said as I walked towards the front door. "Ciao?" I said as I opened the door. "Pietro! Così bello sentirti.  Come sta Wanda?" Crazy papa asked. (Pietro! So good to hear from you. How's Wanda?)

"Sta bene, immagino.  Si è appena addormentata.  La dottoressa Cullen ha detto che dormire sarebbe la cosa migliore per lei." I said as I sat down on the porch. (She's okay, I guess. She just fell asleep. Dr. Cullen said that sleep would be the best thing for her. )

"Dr. Cullen? Come in Carlisle Cullen?" Crazy papa asked. (Dr. Cullen. As in Carlisle Cullen?) "Si signore.  Dovrei andare. Si sta facendo tardi e Vanda ha ancora incubi." I said. (Yes sir. I should go. it's getting late and Vanda still has nightmares.)

"Tutto apposto. Stai attento. Chiama se hai bisogno di qualcosa." Crazy papa said. (Alright. Be safe. Call if you need anything.) "Lo farò." I said as I hung up. (I will.) I sighed and rubbed my head as I headed inside. I was ready for this day to be over.

Control (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz