Chapter 58

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3rd P.O.V:

"I suggest you back away from them," Logan called out as he walked beside his brothers. James didn't look away from the twins as he said, "Now why would we do that?" Nathan pulled on a cloak that Jackson had in his arms.

Nathan was livid. There were some nobody vampires messing with his protection and disrespecting his brother. Nobody disrespected his family. Nobody.  Not as long as he had anything to say about it.

Katherine darted from her mate's side and grabbed Victoria by the neck. James moved to attack but was thrown away from them by a red mist. Wanda's hand was extended toward him. Pietro had an arm wrapped around her waist.

The Cullens were staring at the newest vampires with concern on their faces. Edward silently gasped as he read their minds. "The Volturi..." he breathed. "Well... aren't you special," James said as he got back up from where he was.

"I wouldn't!" Aiden called as he looked at the younger vampire. James narrowed his eyes at them. Without warning, he sped toward the twins. Pietro was ready for this though and flashed behind their guard with his sister.

As James tries to follow them, he hears, "Pain." and falls to the ground in agony. "The twins are off limits. You'd do well to remember that. The Volturi don't offer second chances." Jackson said as he watched the younger vampire writhe in agony.

"James!" Victoria cried as she pushed Katherine away from her. Laurent quickly grabs her and holds her back from going to her mate's side. "The only reason you are still alive after threatening the king's children is because you have not harmed them yet.

If that changes and you go near them, we will end you like we did the werewolves. Swiftly and without mercy. Consider this your only warning. The Volturi do not offer second chances." Logan said as he appeared behind the twins. One hand on each of their shoulders.

James was released from Aiden's pain-inflicting gaze and snarled. His red-eyed glare stared into Wanda as he got up from the ground. "This isn't over." He all but snarled as he headed over to his mate.

Edward let out a snort. "Yes. It is." He said as he moved to his mates' side. He didn't want to focus on the fact that the Volturi were here right now. His mate was safe. That's all that mattered to him.

Glancing over at Alice and Jasper let him see that Pietro had an arm full of pixie. Huh, he hadn't noticed when Wanda was put down. He glanced behind him and sees the nomad coven leave quickly. Even though rage-fueled thoughts flashed through his head. Edward narrowed his eyes. That wasn't good. That wasn't good at all.

Hey guys. That you for all those who love the book. I am glad that you enjoyed it but please don't constantly ask me to update. College is stressful enough without this looming on my mind.

This book has about 8-10 more chapters before we move on to book two. That's when things get really interesting. Also please check out my Twitch when you get the chance. I stream Minecraft, phasmaphobia, and a whole lot more.

Sometimes on stream, I will give spoilers to my story or make suggestions on how it should go. Also, what other book should I update? Let me know in the comments.

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