Chapter 59

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3rd P.O.V:

"Let's head back to our house," Esme said as she moved to her mate's side. Wanda and Pietro nodded their heads and moved to follow. The Volturi swiftly moved to flank the twins as they start to head back to the house.

Edward moved to his mates' side and pulled her into a hug. "Are you alright?" He asked as he held her. Wanda didn't say anything for a few moments before she says, "No, I'm not ok. They know." Edward just held her as she started to cry.

" Let's get you back to the house," Carlisle said as he took off. The Volturi waited for the family to take off before they followed. Their job was to keep the prince and princess safe and all costs. They need to call the kings and let them know what's going on.

At Charlie's house

Bella was sitting in her room looking at her laptop wondering how she was going to convince Edward to turn her. As she got ready for bed, she felt that someone was watching her.

She quickly turned around and saw a pair of red eyes staring at her. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to scream but was never able to. A pale hand covered her mouth and pinned her to the wall.

"Do as I say or I'll kill everyone in this house." The person hissed at her. Bella's breathing picked up and her heart pounded. Was this how she was going to die? She wasn't ready yet.

She got a good look at the person. They were pale, their hair was long and blonde and the most telling thing was that their eyes were blood red. "Are you going to be silent?" They asked. Bella nodded her head with the best of her ability.

"Good." They said as they let go of her mouth. They harshly grabbed her by the waist and jumped out the window without a care. At the sudden movement Bella shrieked.

At the Cullens

Esme bustled around the kitchen trying to get some food together for the twins. She also had a pot of tea going. As she closed a cabinet and turned around, she saw one of the Guard standing in the doorway.

"Do you need any help?" He asked. She shook her head and moved to grab the tea kettle that was going off. Esme grabbed two cups and filled them with hot water. She then went and grabbed the mint tea that was in the cabinet.

Esme turned around and pulled the pasta off the stove and drained it into the sink. She got two bowls and filled them with the pasta and added a red sauce. She turned around for the tea and saw that the cups were gone.

Logan appeared in Dr. Cullens office with the two tea cups and handed them to the twins. Dr. Cullen, Edward, Alice and Jasper were in the room. The Cullen kids were against the far wall watching the twins while Dr. Cullen was busy checking the Twins breathing.

"How are the two of you?" He asked as he handed the cups to the twins. "Ve are fine. You protected us." Pietro answered for the two of them. He kept an arm wrapped around his sister's shoulder.

Red mist surrounded the two of them. Any object touched by the mist started to warp and change. The vampires in the room startled and turned to Wanda. Her head was down and hair shrouded her face.

"Nathen!" Logan called as he tried to get closer to Wanda and Pietro but had to teleport out of the way for a flying desk object. Pietro was whispering softly to his sister, trying to get her to calm down.

Nathen walked into the room and moved to Wanda's side. "We are here. We aren't going anywhere. You are safe. You can relax and calm down now." He said as knelt next to the twins.

Red mist licked against his body, shredding his clothes and causing cracks to his skin wherever it touched but he did not cry out in pain. He was used to this. All of the guard was after living with the twins for years.

Slowly, the mist faded. "Honestly, tell me how you two are. No Bullshit, or lies." Nathen asked as the cracks on his body healed. "Ve vere unnerved. This hasn't happened before." Pietro answered as he pulled his sister closer.

"It is understandable that you feel like this." Logan said as he walked over to the twins. Esme walked in with two bowls of steaming pasta. "How about the two of you eat and then lay down. You had a trying day today." Dr. Cullen said as he grabbed the bowls from his wife.

The twins nodded as they accepted the food and started eating. The air was calmer as they air and the twins looked less likely to freak out. Jasper stared to push waves of calm towards the twins in hopes of helping them fall asleep.

Hi everyone. Sorry for being gone for so long. I had some things to at I needed to take care of. This story was put at the back of my mind. Don't worry. I'm not ending it. I just have a few things I need to clear up before I'm back at writing full time again. Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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