Chapter 11

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Wanda's P.O.V:

Pietro pulled me into his side as we walked towards the Cullens table. I could hear the other kids whispering about us as we walked over to the table. Edward and Jasper pulled up a chair for Pietro and I.

I chose to sit down next to Edward and Pietro sat on my other side, close to Jasper. I felt the kids emotions that were in the Cafeteria crash onto me. I slipped my hand into Pietro's and he glanced at me. I then felt jealousy and hate, which made me look over at Bella's table.

Bella was glaring at us and then leaned over to her friend that was sitting next to her. It was the girl that I had answered for, Jessica Stanley. "I can't believe my slut of a sister is sitting with the Cullens!" Bella said to her.

Once I heard this, I moved to stand up. Pietro tightened his grip on me and kept me in my chair. The Doctor had enhanced our hearing, sight, and strength before he gave us out powers. Pietro leaned over and whispered into my ear, "Ванда, успокойся. Мы вернем ее позже." (Wanda, calm down. We'll get her back later.)

I didn't say anything, just nodded and tightened my grip on him. "So, tell us a little about yourself." Emmett asked as he played with his food. "Vhat vould you like to learn?" Pietro asked as he glanced at me.

"What's your favorite color?" Alice asked. "Mine's Blue. Vanda's is red." Pietro answered for both of us. "Aren't you cold?" Rosalie asked me. "No. Ve used to live in Slovakia. It vas almost alvays cold there." I said as I looked down at the table.

Pain hit me like a ton of bricks. "Vanda? Are you okay?" Pietro asked lowly. "I'll be fine."I said. Another wave of pain hit me and I gasped for breath and grabbed my head. My mind was fuzzy and I couldn't think of anything else. "Shh... Это нормально. Я прямо здесь." I heard Pietro whisper. (It's okay. I'm right here.)

"Pietro. It hurts." I whimpered. "I know. I vish I could make it better." Pietro said as he gently picked me up from my chair and sat down instead with me on his lap. "Is she okay?" Emmett asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Flashbacks. She gets them a lot. Ve don't like to talk about it though, it's still so fresh." Pietro said as I curled into his chest. "You both are so close. If I didn't know you were twins, I would think you were dating." Emmett said.

"Ve are all each-other have. Ve lost our older brother and sister a vhile ago." Pietro said. I whimpered in Pietro's arms and he responded by pulling me tighter to his chest. "I am sorry. I need to get her avay from loud noises." Pietro said as he pulled me up and walked towards the exit.

As Pietro walked out of the building, I let out a sob. The pain in my head was getting worse. It didn't help that I was around other people. I hated that I could feel someone's emotions. It made my headaches worse.

"Breath, sister. You need to breath. Calm down and focus on my voice." Pietro said as he laid me down on the ground. Pietro took us to a covered area so we wouldn't get soaked. "Pietro, it hurts." I moaned as I grabbed my head.

"I vish I could help you. I vish I could take the pain away." Pietro said as he knelt down next to me and gently pushed some hair out of my face. I slowly opened my eyes and reached for his hand. "Thank you for getting me out of there." I said as I squeezed his hand. 

"You and me, sister. Alvays and Forever." Pietro said with a smile as he moved into a sitting position next to me. I glanced over his shoulder and saw that Jasper and Alice were standing there. "Pietro? Six o'clock." I said as I sat up. 

Pietro spun around and pushed me behind him. "Vhat are you doing out here?" Pietro asked as he kept me behind him. "We came to check on Wanda. You guys left pretty quickly and we wanted to make sure you were okay." Alice said with concern in her voice. 

"I'm fine. Thank you for checking though." I said with a small smile. The pain that I was feeling was replaced with calm. I froze when I felt the calm hit me. It was like a wave. It freaked me out that I didn't feel the tell-tale signs of pain.

"Do you mind if we ask what happened?" Alice asked. Pietro was about to speak when I said, "Flashbacks. They happen a lot less then they used to." I said as I slipped my hand into Pietro's. Alice nodded and then walked over to us.

"We should get going, 7th period's about to start soon." Alice said as she linked arms with me. As soon as I came in contact with her, I felt her happiness and was glad that she was so happy. It wasn't like Pietro's happiness, hers was like she just got the best present in her life.

"Ванда? Вы контролируете?" Pietro asked as he moved to my other side. (Wanda? Are you in control?) "Да, брат. Я в порядке. Спасибо за проверку." I replied with a small smile. (Yes, brother. I'm fine. Thank you for checking.)

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