Chapter 36

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3rd P.O.V:

Edward pulled up to sonic and watched as the twins got out. "Thank you," Wanda said to Edward as she moved to grab her bag. "Would you like us to take y'all to get something to eat and then drop you off?" Jasper asked, stopping her.

"Let us tell Isabella," Pietro said as pulled out his phones and called Isabella. "Hello?" Isabella answered with a sneer. "You don't have to vorry about us. Ve have a ride home." Pietro said as he held onto his sister.

He then hung up and called Charlie. "Chief Swan," Charlie answered. "Hey, Charlie. Jasper's siblings offered to give us a ride and I already let Isabella know. They offered to take us to dinner." Pietro said as he watched Isabella get out of her friend's car and stomp over to this car.

"Sounds good. See you when you get home." Charlie said. He then hung up. "Alright, listen here, you assholes! You will get in this car or I'll call Charlie and tell him." Isabella said. Pietro smirked at her and said, "Go ahead."

Isabella huffed and pulled out her phone and called Charlie. The Cullens and Maximoffs turned out the conversation between Isabella and Charlie. They watched in amusement as Isabella turned red in anger.

"You should go back to your friends. They are vaiting for you." Pietro said with a smirk. Isabella held back a shriek as she stalked towards Jessica's car. Pietro turned to his sister and saw her looking at her phone.

"Pietro, Ve have to call them," Wanda said. "No," Pietro said in a firm voice. "Pietro, they need to know." Wanda pleaded. "They vill go ballistic vhen they hear about this," Pietro said. "I know. But they need to know." Wanda said as he got back into the car.

Pietro looked down and sighed. "Fine, I'll call them," Pietro said as he got into the car and pulled out his phone. Pietro dialed Nathan's number and waited. "Hello?" Nathan answered. "Hey, Nate. It's Pietro." Pietro answered.

"Pietro? Is something wrong?" Nathan asked. "No. È successo qualcosa. Wanda e io fummo attaccati." Pietro said. (No. Something has happened. Wanda and I were attacked.) "Che cosa?" Nathan asked. (What?)

"Ne ho ucciso uno ma i Cullen erano lì, quindi ho dovuto andarmene. Far sapere ai nostri padri." Pietro said as he looked at his sister. (I killed one but the Cullens were there, so I had to walk away. Let our fathers know.)

"Lo farò. Conoscendo i re, saremo inviati ad affrontare la situazione. A presto." Nathan said. (I will. Knowing the kings, we will be sent to deal with the situation. See you soon.) Pietro hung up and looked at his sister. "They know." He said.

"All ve can do now is vait and see vhat happens," Wanda said as she hugged her brother while the Cullen's drove off to get the twins some decent food. The only thing on the Cullens mind was, who was on the other end of that phone call.

In Volterra, Italy, Nathan was making his way through the castle to find the kings and inform them of what happened. "Nathan?" Aro asked as the guard burst into the throne room unannounced.

He walked straight over to Aro and put out his hand. As Aro skimmed through the memories, he heard what had happened with the Twins and became enraged. "Take Aiden, Katherine, Jackson, and Logan to Seattle and find the rest of the men.

Kill them all. You are now on Guard duty and Nathan?" Aro said as he walked over to his brothers. "Yes?" Nathan asked. "The twins are not to know of your presence there." Aro said as he looked at his brothers.

"What happened, Aro?" Marcus asked. "The twins were attacked. I sent their guard to watch and protect them." Aro said as he paced the throne room. Marcus looked at Aro and asked what was on all three of their minds.

"Should we make them come back home?" "No, not yet at least," Aro said as he walked out of the throne room because it had been a long day.

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