Chapter 34

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Edward's P.O.V:

I walked with my siblings as we entered the lunchroom. Jasper has been gone for a day and was supposed to come back tonight. I walked over to our table when Alice was pulled into a vision.

The sky was dark and cloudy as Wanda and Pietro were walking down a dark ally with bags in their hands. Pietro had his arm around Wanda as they walked. "Pietro, I don't like this. Ve need to hurry." Wanda said as she glanced around nervously.

"I know, Vanda. I don't like it either. Isabella said she vould meet us at sonic." Pietro said as he glanced around. Suddenly, Wanda stiffened. "Pietro?" Wanda quietly called to her brother. "Vhat is it sister?" Pietro asked.

"Ve're being followed," Wanda said as he glanced around. "Hey good looking! You have been keeping us waiting a long time." A voice said. Pietro shifted so Wanda was behind him as he glared in the direction the voice was coming from.

"Pietro, уведи нас отсюда." Wanda said. (get us out of here.) Before Pietro could react, Wanda was pulled away from him and a man stood there starting to feel her up. Pietro snarled as he lunged at the man who had his sister.

Before he could reach them, something hit the back of Pietro's head. Pietro fell to the ground unconscious while the men started to hurt Wanda. Wanda let out an inhuman scream while the men touched her.

Alice and I were pulled from the vision. "What did you see, Alice?" Emmett asked. "Someone's going to hurt the twins tonight," Alice said as she looked at me. "Come with me to pick up Jasper," Alice said.

I nodded and said, "I'm driving. What time would you like to leave?" Alice looked down for a second and then looked up and said, "After we drop off Emmett and Rosalie. There won't be any delays with the plane so it will get here on time.

We will reach the airport at 8:00 p.m. and the plane lands at 8:30." I smiled slightly at my sisters. Just then, Rosalie said, "Here comes the bitch." I turned around and saw Bella stumble into the cafeteria with her friends behind her.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my family. We talked for the rest of the lunch hour and then to our classes. School passed slowly and even music was boring. Wanda wasn't there. I met up with my siblings went to our cars.

"Do you need anything from the house, Alice?" I asked as we made our way to our cars. Alice shook her head. "I'm good. I have everything I need." Alice said as she got into the front seat of my car.

Rosalie and Emmett got into the back and I took off. I was glad I had managed to avoid Bella today. As we drove to our house, Rosalie asked, "Are you going to tell her?" I knew she was talking about Wanda.

"I want to, but I'm afraid. What if she rejects me?" I asked with a scared look on my face. "She won't. The bond between the two of you won't let her." Emmet said as he played with Rosalie's hair.

"They're right, you know," Alice said as she looked at me. I just smirked at them and pressed harder on the glass petal. Wanting nothing more than to drop off our siblings so Alice and I could get our mates.

3rd P.O.V:

Jasper was still in shock. He hadn't moved from the defensive crouch he had taken when he saw Maria look at his second mate. Jackson walked over to him and pulled his head up so they were staring into each other's eyes.

Jackson's eyes dilated as he started to compel Jasper. "You will not remember what I'm about to say..... You will not talk about what you have witnessed unless the twins bring it up. You will not think of it and you will not remember Wanda having powers unless she decides to tell your family about it.

Whatever has happened in Volterra stays in Volterra.  All you will remember is that you came to Volterra to witness in a case against Maria and Jana. Both are creators of a huge newborn army." Jackson compelled.

Jasper's eyes were emotionless while he was being compelled. The Twins watched with sadness in their eyes. They hated that they hade to hide but they knew it was necessary. The kings watched Jackson compel Jasper with emotionless faces.

As Jackson finished, he glanced at his brother, Logan. Logan got the message and sped over to the twins and teleported them to their rooms. As the twins disappeared, Aro made his way to Jasper.

"Thank you for showing up. It was appreciated. Have a safe journey back to Forks and give my best to Carlisle." Aro said to Jasper. Jasper nodded and bowed his head slightly to the kings. "Thank you for having me, my kings," Jasper said as the kings dismissed him.

Jasper then turned on his heels and walked out of the throne room. He made his way to the room he had been staying at and picked up everything he had. Jasper made sure all his belonging were in his bag before he left to go to the airport.

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