Chapter 7

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Wanda's P.O.V:

Pietro ran us home and we went to our room. "Pietro? Vhy did you have to hurt him?" I asked as I went to change. "He looked at you like he vanted to kill you. It made me nervous." Pietro said as he walked behind me. 

I grabbed a grey t-shirt, black skinny jeans, some black converse and a red flannel jacket. As I grabbed my stuff, I walked to the restroom and changed into my cloths and made sure my hair was okay. I walked back out to our room and saw that Pietro had already changed.

Pietro picked out some ripped jeans, a t-shirt that said, "New York City

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Pietro picked out some ripped jeans, a t-shirt that said, "New York City." And some black shoes. He looked at me and smiled. "You look nice." I smiled back and pulled out his blue leather jacked and tossed it to him.

"Vear this

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"Vear this. It vill look good with your cloths." I said as I turned to the window. Just then, we heard Isabella's truck pull up. "Here come's Isabella." Pietro said. "Ve should do our homevork." I said with a sigh.

"I hate homevork." Pietro said with a pout. I just rolled my eyes and walked to our bed. I know it's weird to share a bed, but we usually shared one back in Phoenix. He would sleep with me when I had nightmares.

Isabella was downstairs making food while we worked on our homework. The sound of a car pulling up got our attention. "Charlie's home." Pietro said. I nodded and walked down to the kitchen.

Isabella was cooking steak and potatoes. We walked into the living room and saw Charlie was on the couch watching TV. Pietro sat down and pulled me into his lap. I curled into him as he played with my hair.

"Dinner's ready." Isabella called. "Smell's good, Bell." Charlie said as he got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. "Thanks." Isabella replied. "So, how do you three like school? Have you made any friends?" Charlie asked.

"Well, I have a few classes with a girl named Jessica. I sit with her and her friends at lunch and there's this boy, Mike, who's very friendly. Everyone seems pretty nice." Isabella said. I almost snorted.

"That must be Mike Newton. Nice kid- nice family. His dad owns the sporting goods store just outside of town. He makes a good living off all the backpackers who come through here." Charlie said. "Do you know the Cullen family?" I asked.

"Dr. Cullens family? Sure. Dr Cullen's a great man." Charlie said. "They.... The kinds.... are a little different. They don't seem to fit in very well at school." Isabella said in an almost rude tone. Both me and Pietro shot her a glare when she said this.

Charlie surprised us by looking angry. "The people in this town." He muttered. "Dr. Cullen is a brilliant surgeon who could probably work at any hospital in the world and make ten times the salary he gets here." Charlie said as he got louder.

"We're lucky to have him and we're lucky that his wife wanted to live in a small town. He's a asset to the community, and all those kids are well behaved and polite. I had my doubts,when they first moved in, with all those adopted teenagers.

I thought we might have some problems with them, but they're all very mature. I haven't had one speck of trouble from any of them. That's more than I can say for the children of some folks who have lived in this town for generations.

They also stick together the way a family should- camping trips every other weekend.... Just because they're newcomers, people have to talk." Charlie ranted. Me and Pietro looked at each other and smiled.

"They seem nice enough to me. I just noticed that they kept to themselves. They're all very attractive." Isabella said hastily. "You should see the doctor." Charlie said with a laugh. "It's a good thing he's happily married.

A lot of nurses at the hospital have a hard time concentrating on their work with him around." Charlie said as he glanced at us. "How was your day?" He asked us. "Ve made friends vith Alice Cullen. She's a nice girl." Pietro said for us.

"Vhy don't you two go watch TV. Me and Pietro vill do dishes." I said as I got up from my seat. I went to find Ziploc Bags for the leftovers. Even though my back was turned, I felt Pietro try to go for my food.

"Pietro! Touch my plate and you vill sleep on floor!" I said as I quickly turned around. In his hand, was my plate. Charlie had a smile on his face while Pietro hand a guilty look. "Drop it." I said in a stern voice.

"But Vanda!!" Pietro whined. " No Buts! Drop in now!" I said with a glare. "I'm still hungry." Pietro whined as he put my plate down. "You can have more once you help me vith dishes." I said as I turned back to the Ziploc bags.

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