Chapter 8

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Pietro's P.O.V:

After we did the dishes, I finished Wanda's food. Wanda stared out the window with a blank look on her face. "Ve need sleep. Let's go to bed." I said as I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Pietro, I have a feeling that's something's going to happen soon." Wanda said without looking at me. "I'm not worried. I'll alvays be there to protect you." I said as I pressed a kiss to the side of her head. "Lets' go to bed." I said as I turned to the bed.

(Time skip to the morning)

3rd P.O.V:

Wanda's eyes shot open and she let out a gasp. Pietro shot up next to her and looked around the room for a threat. Upon seeing that nothing was amiss, Pietro turned to his sister. "Vhat's vrong?" Pietro asked as he pulled her into a hug.

"James. I could've saved him, but I left him." Wanda cried. "Vanda. It's not your fault. You have to let it go. He's gone and not coming back." Pietro said as his sister cried into his shoulder. "I should've been faster." Wanda said as she cried.

"Ve need to move on. Go get dressed and I'll get us breakfast." Pietro said as he gently untangled himself from Wanda. She nodded and walked to the closet. she pulled out a black dress and black ankle boots.

Wanda then walked to the restroom and took a shower. Once she was done, she walked out of the restroom and bumped into Bella.  "Watch where your going, Asshole." Bella said to Wanda with a glare.

Wanda just rolled her eyes and walked to the room. She walked to the closet and grabbed her red leather jacket and then walked to her jewelry box and grabbed a red gem necklace. She put it on and headed towards the stairs.

"Vanda!!!!!! You are never going to believe what Charlie just got us!!!!!" Pietro yelled and he ran to his sister at human speed. "Vhat did he get us?" Wanda asked. "He got us a blue motorcycle! It's blue!" Pietro yelled as he picked Wanda up and spinner her around.

"I heard. It's very nice." Wanda said as she giggled. "Let me get changed and then ve vill go to school." Pietro said as he put Wanda down and ran to their room. Wanda rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen.

She grabbed an apple and walked over to her bag and put it on. "Let's go." Wanda said as Pietro walked downstairs.  He was wearing a blue leather jacket, ripped blue jeans, blue running shoes and a navy blue shirt.

Pietro nodded at his sister and walked to the bike. He got on first and waited for Wanda to get on. The ride to school was a slow one. Pietro went the speed limit made sure his sister wouldn't fall off.

Once at the school, Pietro and Wanda could tell that something was different. Both of them looked around and saw that Edward's car wasn't there. "He's not here." Wanda said as she glanced at her brother.

"Don't blame me. I didn't do anything wrong." Pietro said as he held up his hands in surrender. Just then, Bella's old, rusty and loud truck pulled into the parking lot. Bella got out and looked around with a frown.

When her eyes landed on the twins, she glared. Bella hated that they had gotten a better present then her and she hated that Charlie treated them like they were his own. Pietro pulled his sister into his arms and glared at Bella over Wanda's head.

When the blue motorcycle pulled into the parking lot, the four Cullen children turned towards it. "The twins got a bike." Alice squealed as she jumped up and down. Emmett and and Rosalie rolled their eyes and smiled at their younger sister.

Jasper chuckled at his mate and pulled her into his arms. "Only you, love." He said with a smile. They watched as the twins glanced at them and saw that Edward wasn't there. "Here comes the Bitch." Rosalie said as she saw the red truck pull up.

Bella stumbled out of her truck and looked around the parking lot. When she didn't see Edward's car, she felt disappointed. She wanted to know why he acted like he did yesterday. She hoped that he would be there tomorrow.

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