Chapter 25

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Jane's P.O.V: (What? You didn't see that coming?)

At the news that we were going to pick up the prince and princess, I was ecstatic. Wanda was a role model to me and Pietro was a role model to Alec. I couldn't wait to see them. It has been a year since we last saw the Twins.

I walked quickly through the halls and found my brother. "Brother! Did you hear? We are going to pick up the prince and princess!" I said as I found him in the guard room. Alec smiled when he heard me say this.

"I heard, sister. Are you ready? We need to leave soon." Alec said as he flashed to my side. I nodded my head and turned around and walked out of the room with Alec on my heels. We walked toward the garage and saw that Felix had already gotten the limo ready.

I smiled at this. Even though we were guards, we were able to give orders to the lower guard members. I looked at the rest of the elite guard and asked, "Do you have everything?" I got various nods from everyone.

"Let's go," Demetri said as he turned and got into the limo. As we entered the limo, I could tell everyone was excited to see the prince and princess. We sat in silence while we rode to the airport.

Once we arrived at the airport, we quickly made it to the jet. "Has our destination been entered?" Demetri asked the pilot. "Yes, sir. We will be taking off in 15 minutes." The pilot said. We all nodded and headed to different sections of the plane to get comfortable.

(Time Skip)

We landed in Seattle with no problems. As we exited the plane, we put on our cloaks and headed towards the terminal. Once we got there, we saw the twins waiting for us. Both were wearing their Volturi crests.

"Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri. It is good to see you again. Ve vould like to get going." Pietro said as he stood with his arm wrapped around his sister. I nodded and lead the way back to the gate. Alec and Demetri stayed behind the twins while Felix grabbed the two carry on bags the twins had.

As we boarded the plane again, I saw one of the flight attenders was looking at Wanda with lust in their eyes. I sent a small zap of pain to that person and watched as they winced. "Wanda, Pietro, we made sure to have some drinks and snacks loaded on the plane," I said as I moved to Wanda's side.

Wanda smiled at me and walked over to the couch

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Wanda smiled at me and walked over to the couch. As she sat down, the attendant that was looking at her earlier started towards us. The boys paid no attention to this and went to one of the seats to play poker.

Once the attendant was close enough, he said, "Would you like me to get you anything?" Wanda shook her head and turned to me. "So, catch me up on vhat I have missed," Wanda said. I nodded and sat down and proceeded to tell her everything that has happened.

The hours passed slowly by and Wanda decided to order a drink from the flight attendant whose name was Jordan. He came back with her drink and handed it to her. Wanda thanked him and we continued to talk.

As we talked, I noticed that Wanda started to fade. "Princess? Would you like me to take you to the bedroom?" I asked as I noticed her eyes started to get droopy.  She nodded her head and I was about to pick her up when Pietro was by her side.

"I'll take her." Pietro said as he moved off to the bedroom. A few moments passed when I heard a thump and the sound of a body fall. "Pietro!" Wanda slurred. Instantly I was on my feet and I flashed into the bedroom.

Wanda was on the bed with Jordan standing over her. Instantly, I made him feel pain like no other. I then stopped when the boys came into the room. Alec was by my side and I pointed at the vile man. "Make him feel nothing.

He must go before the masters." I said as I moved to Wanda. She was out cold. That's when the scent of blood hit me. I looked around and saw that Pietro was bleeding from his head. A wrench was laying next to him.

"Felix, guard her." I said as I flashed out of the room. I went to the glass and picked it up and sniffed. I snarled when I was hit with the scent of a roofie. It took everything I had to not rip out that worthless human's insides out.

"What is it sister?" Alec asked as he walked out of the room dragging the human with him. "He roofied her." I snarled. The others eyes turned black with anger. "Let's kill him." Felix said. "No! Me must bring him before master Aro. He will know what to do." I said.

What should happen to Jordan. You get to decide.

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