Chapter 35

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3rd P.O.V:

The maximoff twins made sure they were all packed before they left their room. They walked back to the throne room and saw their fathers on their thrones. "Ve are ready to leave." Pietro said as he looked at them.

The kings looked at their adopted children and nodded. "It was wonderful having you both here. We have missed you. You must come back for a visit." Aro said. The twins nodded and gave each of the kings a hug before they started to head for the waiting limo.

Once they got in, the door was closed and they were off. Wanda leaned against her brother and Pietro pulled her closer. "I'm going to miss them." Wanda said as she cuddled into her twin's side.

Pietro sighed and nodded. "I vill too." Pietro said as he stroked his sister's hair. The ride was short. Once they pulled up to the airport, Logan opened the door and helped the twins grab their stuff.

"It was good to see the two of you." Logan said as he hugged the twins. "It vas good to see you too. Ve vill miss you." Wanda said as she hugged Logan back. Pietro nodded at his sister's words. "Be safe." Logan said as he moved away from the twins.

"Ve vill!" The twins called as they walked into the airport. Once they walked in, they saw Jasper checking in his bag. "Jasper?" Pietro called. The twins hated that they had to play dumb.

Jasper turned at the sound of his name. "Wanda? Pietro? What are y'all doin' here?" Jasper asked as he walked over to the twins. "Ve vere visiting some friends that live around here.

Ve need to go home, though. Vhat are you doing here?" Pietro asked as Jasper grabbed both of the twins bags. "Just helping out some family friends." Jasper said as he moved to the side to wait for the twins.

The twins checked in and then walked with Jasper to the security checkpoint. Many people were looking in their direction as the three of them waited in line. "I'm surprised we're goin' back on the same day." Jasper said.

"So are ve." Pietro said as he took Wanda's bag from her. "Pietro." Wanda groaned. Pietro just grinned at his sister. Jasper looked at the two and smiled. Seeing a smile on his mate's face made him happy.

(Time skip)

The twins and Jasper got off the plane and went to grab their luggage. Wanda pulled out her phone and dialed crazy papa. "Hello?" Aro answered. "Ve have arrived in Seattle." Wanda said.

"Thank you for letting me know. Call me when you get home." Aro said. "Yes, papa. Love you." Wanda said. "Love you too. Give our love to your brother." Aro said. "Yes sir." Wanda said as she hung up.

Wanda turned to her brother who was holding their bags in his hands. Jasper was next to him holding his backpack. Wanda's phone beeped and a message popped up.

Bitch = B, thing 1 = T1, thing 2 = T2,

B: Charlie said I had to pick you up. I'm two blocks away at sonic. Hurry up, assholes.

T1: Don't be an asshole. We're in our way.

T2: Go to hell, bitch.

Wanda walked over to Pietro once she put up her phone. "Ve should get going." Wanda said as she grabbed her bag from her brother. "Do y'all need a ride?" Jasper asked as he walked out the door with them.

"No, it's fine. Ve can valk two blocks." Pietro said as he put an arm around his sister. The twins walked off just as Alice and Edward pulled up. "Where are the twins?" Alice asked with a frantic look on her eyes.

"They just left." Jasper said as he glanced at the direction they went. "Get in the car. We have to hurry." Alice exclaimed. Jasper did as he was told and got into the car.

The sky was dark and cloudy as Wanda and Pietro walked down a dark ally with bags in their hands. Pietro had his arm around Wanda as they walked. "Pietro, I don't like this. Ve need to hurry." Wanda said as she glanced around nervously.

"I know, Vanda. I don't like it either. Isabella said she vould meet us at sonic." Pietro said as he glanced around. Suddenly, Wanda stiffened. "Pietro?" Wanda quietly called to her brother. "Vhat is it sister?" Pietro asked.

"Ve're being followed," Wanda said as he glanced around. "Hey good looking! You have been keeping us waiting a long time." A voice said. Pietro shifted so Wanda was behind him as he glared in the direction the voice was coming from.

"Pietro, уведи нас отсюда." Wanda said. (Get us out of here.) Before Pietro could react, Wanda was pulled away from him and a man stood there starting to feel her up. Pietro snarled as he lunged at the man who had his sister.

Before he could reach them, a silver Volvo pulled up and Alice, Jasper and Edward got out of the car. "Get your filthy hands off her." Edward snarled. "We found her first." One of the men said.

"Screw it!" Pietro said as he flashed over to one of the men holding a baseball bat. He grabbed it and slammed it into the back of the man who was holding his sister. "Nobody hurts my family and lives. Nobody." Pietro said as he used his speed and shoved the baseball bat through the guy's back.

Wanda ran over to her brother and hugged him hard as Edward and Jasper grabbed their bags. Alice walked over to the twins and gently pulled them towards the car.

One of the men moved to intercept them but Edward flashed over to the guy and glared at the man. "Get in the car." Edward said as he grabbed Jasper who couldn't look away from the blood pooling around the dead body.

Alice pulled Jasper into her arms and pushed him towards the car. Pietro sat on the side while Wanda was sitting in the middle and Jasper was on the other side of her.

Alice and Edward were in the front. Edward was driving while Alice was navigating him. "I should go back there and rip their heads off." Edward all but snarled. "I'll help." Pietro said as he pulled his sister tighter into his chest.

"No. Carlisle will be mad." Alice said. "I don't care! They hurt Wanda!" Edward snarled. "Edward, just think it through." Alice said. "Alice, you don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking." Edward snarled.

"And you do?" Pietro asked with a raised eyebrow. Catching himself, Edward said, "It's not hard to guess." Pietro nodded and looked down at Wanda. "It's okay little sister, ve're okay." Pietro said.

"Pietro, they almost.." Wanda said as she burst into tears. "I know, I'll kill them." Pietro said as he stroked Wanda's hair. Pietro glared out the window, knowing he was going to have to call Crazy, angry and sad papa.

Hey guys. Soooo sorry for not updating sooner. I've had a lot going on. I've had tests, UIL and one act. I'll post more soon. I promise. We are back into the twilight books/movies. Don't worry, more drama and Bella bashing in the next chapter.

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