Chapter 52

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Hey guys! I know I have been posting about my B-DAY for the last few days. But it's almost here!! A few more hours and I'll be 19!!!! I just wanted to say thank you so so much for sticking with me and enduring the Inconsistent updates.

Gonna do a BDAY stream on twitch after school tomorrow!! Gonna be playing Minecraft and Among us if y'all want to join. Twitch is wolfbloodforever

You guys are awesome and you should feel awesome. Also, according to Wattpad statistics, only a small percentage of y'all who read my book are actually following. So if you end up liking this book, consider following. It's free and you can always unfollow later. Enjoy the book!!

3rd P.O.V:

Pietro shot off towards the Cullens house before Alice, Edward, and Jasper could get their bearings. "What the hell?" Alice said as she looked around. Jasper said nothing as he took off after the Twins.

Pietro made it to the house before the others did and was happy about that. He knew he was faster than vampires and even bullets. That hadn't been a fun experiment. Hydra had used his twin as target practice, and he wouldn't let that happen.

He had used his super-speed and flipped a solid metal car in front of Wanda. He was shielding her from the bullets that were coming at her. When he did this, he took most of them into his body and fell to the floor, dead.

Wanda had felt the pain of him dying, and she broke. Tendrils of red energy exploded from her body and destroyed all those around her except for her siblings. After the destruction, hydra agents rushed into the room and quickly subdued Wanda, Lorna, and Bucky.

The doctors took Pietro, and they started to work on bringing him back. They were successful, obviously, but there was a cost. Hydra learned that if Wanda tried, she could destroy the world. Pietro shook his head and brought himself back to the present.

His sister was safe in his arms, and Hydra was gone. Bucky and Laurna made sure of that. Pietro set Wanda down, and they both walked to the door. The door opened, and Esme looked slightly surprised to see them.

Her surprise changed to worry when she saw the state Wanda was. "You can put her on the couch. She'll feel better there." Esme said as she moved to the kitchen. Esme got a cloth and ran it under cold water, and then walked into the living room.

As she put the cloth on Wanda's head, she heard her children speeding towards the house. Edward was the first to enter the house and went straight for Wanda. Her eyes were closed, and she was relaxing on the couch with the towel on her head.

To Wanda, the coolness of the towel reminded her of when the Volturi would baby her when she was sick. She almost felt better. Almost. Pietro was sitting on the edge of the couch where Wanda's head was.

Pietro gently ran his fingers through her hair as he hummed their lullaby. "That's very pretty. Where'd you learn it?" Esme asked with a small smile on her face. "My Matka taught us when we were younger.

She sang in whenever we were injured or sleepy." Pietro said. He never looked up though. his focus was on his sister. She had taken his hand in hers and let him into her mind. Showing him that she was thankful for him still being there.

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